21-19  Death Rate of Major Diseases in Rural Areas (2010)
Category of Diseases Total Male Female
Crude Standar- Per- Rank Crude Standar- Per- Rank Crude Standar- Per- Rank
Morta- dized cen-   Morta- dized cen-   Morta- dized cen-  
lity Morta- tage   lity Morta- tage   lity Morta- tage  
Rate lity (%)   Rate lity (%)   Rate lity (%)  
(1/ Rate(1/     (1/ Rate(1/     (1/ Rate(1/    
100000) 100000)     100000) 100000)     100000) 100000)    
Infectious Disease(not including Respiratory Tuberculosis) 4.13 5.24 0.66 11 5.30 6.85 0.74 10 2.92 3.70 0.55 13
Respiratory Tuberculosis 2.12 2.65 0.34 16 2.99 4.02 0.42 13 1.22 1.48 0.23 16
Parasitic Disease  0.02 0.03 0.00 20 0.01 0.01 0.00 18 0.03 0.04 0.01 20
Malignant Tumour 144.11 169.53 23.11 2 187.25 239.09 26.14 1 99.00 109.64 18.81 3
Diseases of the Blood and Blood-forming Organs and Immunodeficiency 0.90 1.17 0.14 17 0.98 1.36 0.14 16 0.81 1.02 0.15 18
Endocrine, Nutritional & Metabolic Diseases 10.33 12.90 1.66 8 8.99 12.34 1.25 8 11.74 13.41 2.23 7
Mental Disorders 2.99 4.69 0.48 13 2.79 5.03 0.39 14 3.19 4.37 0.61 12
Diseases of the Nervous System 3.84 5.53 0.62 12 3.98 6.45 0.56 12 3.69 4.84 0.70 11
Heart Diseases 111.34 163.08 17.86 3 115.54 196.20 16.13 3 106.95 138.19 20.32 2
Cerebrovascular Disease 145.71 203.30 23.37 1 159.27 255.17 22.23 2 131.54 163.84 24.99 1
Diseases of the Respiratory System 88.25 137.98 14.15 4 95.36 177.79 13.31 4 80.82 110.07 15.36 4
Diseases of the Digestive System 14.76 18.42 2.37 6 19.26 25.75 2.69 6 10.05 11.94 1.91 8
Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue 0.88 1.11 0.14 18 0.72 1.04 0.10 17 1.05 1.17 0.20 17
Diseases of the Genitourinary System 6.31 7.73 1.01 9 7.31 10.24 1.02 9 5.27 5.87 1.00 9
Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium 0.13 0.14 0.02 19 0.27 0.29 0.05 19
Perinatal Diseases 2.51 5.91 0.40 14 2.99 6.78 0.42 13 2.01 4.92 0.38 14
Congenital Malformations, Deformations and Chromosomal Abnormalities 2.14 4.03 0.34 15 2.48 4.65 0.35 15 1.79 3.34 0.34 15
Undiagnosed Diseases 4.57 6.68 0.73 10 5.10 7.80 0.71 11 4.01 5.56 0.76 10
Other Diseases 12.64 25.47 2.03 7 10.55 27.74 1.47 7 14.83 24.01 2.82 6
External Causes of Injury and Poison 52.93 60.05 8.49 5 71.75 82.69 10.02 5 33.25 37.98 6.32 5