20-82 R&D Projects above Designated Size (2009)
Item Number  Full-time   Expenditure  
of R&D Equivalent  Researchers on R&D  Government
Projects of R&D    Projects Funds
(item) Personnel   (10 000   
  (man-year)   yuan)  
Total 701841 1775968 497958 43936976 7177461
By Sources and Topics
National S&T Projects 172014 349363 197957 8318775 5751313
Local S&T Projects 186459 244285 99758 3499563 727300
S&T Projects Entrusted by Enterprise 113760 102932 55764 2687610 53693
S&T Projects Chosen by Enterprise 207059 1001877 121605 27156779 167813
Oversease S&T Projects 6065 25132 4893 966766 31271
Others 16484 52379 17980 1307483 446071
By Subject
Natural Sciences 82913 85399 56965 1573898 1258962
Agricultural Sciences 40016 55818 31324 723775 534648
Medical Sciences 80959 120304 57815 691603 369010
Engineering and Technological Sciences 334704 1452039 300930 40631853 4820781
Humanities and Social Sciences 163249 62409 50925 315847 194061
By Type of Activities
Basic Research 219182 153639 112029 1732099 1435582
Applied Research 276923 284977 179525 4805014 2884046
Experimental Development 205736 1337352 206405 37399862 2857833
By Socio-economic Objective
Environmental Conservation and  22292 49174 15477 1179621 241817
  Prevention of Pollution
Production,Distribution and Rational  27761 88170 23308 2499033 187729
  Utilisation of Energy
Development of Human Health 70932 109984 51312 621828 326356
Development of Education 68922 25135 20492 96484 50680
Infrastructure, Urban and Rural Planning 26093 54272 15993 1491621 147171
Social Development and Community Services 81617 108776 36032 2012463 271487
Exploration and Utilization of the Earth  8815 11147 6915 247022 213811
  and Atmosphere
Civil Exploration and Exploitation of Space 2435 3430 1990 94328 77194
Development of Agriculture,Forestry,Animal  46476 61600 34988 782341 587195
Development of Industry and Commerce 199945 1043330 140418 29296913 585986