20-81 R&D Projects(2009)
Item Number of Full-time Expenditure
R&D Projects Equivalent of on R&D
(item) R&D Personnel Projects
  (man-year) (10 000 yuan)
Total 775316 2000174 45492738
By Sector
Agriculture, Forestry, Animal  2187 10606 95047
  Husbandry and Fishery
Mining 7191 63458 1276789
Manufacturing 184631 1153120 30355064
Production and Distribution of  2578 12489 226803
  Electricity, Gas and Water
Construction 6581 50376 1033100
Traffic, Transport, Storage and Post 1164 4243 76397
Information Transmission,  7113 69397 1408514
  Computer Services and Software
Financial Intermediation 153 265 5641
Leasing and Business Services 1648 17516 393171
Scientific Research, Technical Services  69345 281609 6767108
  and Geological Prospecting
Management of Water Conservancy,  496 1953 16967
  Environment and Public Facilities
Education 451034 240900 3526882
Health, Social Security and  40869 93364 304377
Social Welfare
Culture, Sports and Entertainment 326 880 6878
By Region
Beijing 83911 172171 4511462
Tianjin 22472 45147 1410560
Hebei 18135 47480 1054107
Shanxi 9944 41030 640736
Inner Mongolia 6264 19060 394952
Liaoning 29032 68417 1653117
Jilin 15728 32564 654901
Heilongjiang 19148 45117 754915
Shanghai 50567 119102 3164832
Jiangsu 65224 233418 6017313
Zhejiang 62145 177370 3614896
Anhui 23029 50530 1069351
Fujian 21771 55469 1076230
Jiangxi 15797 27195 618114
Shandong 44251 142152 4168861
Henan 22347 75803 1473627
Hubei 36565 79593 1585210
Hunan 28335 55065 1172557
Guangdong 64554 253362 5709707
Guangxi 16533 28473 367228
Hainan 2534 4089 43744
Chongqing 16140 29554 615756
Sichuan 35412 70110 1454920
Guizhou 8115 11262 207251
Yunnan 12574 18668 238569
Tibet 420 1128 10448
Shaanxi 25686 57969 1273805
Gansu 9075 18032 257723
Qinghai 1163 4017 50657
Ningxia 3479 6079 78859
Xinjiang 4964 10716 147712