20-79 R&D Personnel (2009)
R&D Female Full-time PhD  Master's Under-
Personnel   Personnel Graduates Graduates graduates
Total 3183687 788977 1954957 178843 432580 945095
By Sector
Agriculture, Forestry, Animal 16798 3463 8982 350 1055 4254
   Husbandry and Fishery
Mining 110837 18857 54366 831 5221 23608
Manufacturing 1777395 378004 1167617 16547 113845 519380
Production and Distribution of  26042 5210 8810 254 1726 4659
  Electricity, Gas and Water
Construction 92535 13066 47172 673 4293 24524
Traffic, Transport, Storage and Post 8254 1251 3682 182 863 2146
Information Transmission, Computer  90533 19439 67195 1086 11538 19947
  Services and Software
Financial Intermediation 1556 152 413 11 56 101
Leasing and Business Services 26300 6138 17773 277 2092 9064
Scientific Research, Technical Services  389324 122229 287829 39551 96699 169803
  and Geological Prospecting
Management of Water Conservancy,  3905 905 1723 55 255 882
  Environment and Public Facilities
Education 458558 146651 218237 108403 168418 137136
Health, Social Security and  179522 72720 70235 10599 26419 29329
  Social Welfare
Culture, Sports and Entertainment 2128 892 923 24 100 262
By Region
Beijing 252676 80242 166788 37609 55705 65083
Tianjin 72599 20727 39153 5351 9374 21883
Hebei 84601 23906 43997 2787 10803 27162
Shanxi 65147 16051 39370 2292 7515 16620
Inner Mongolia 31381 9768 18319 1057 4087 10513
Liaoning 119440 33361 75214 8048 17703 35237
Jilin 56428 18008 31457 6725 13121 19444
Heilongjiang 72587 19037 47090 4251 10990 22528
Shanghai 170512 43279 104409 17160 29732 49489
Jiangsu 369403 81779 228734 13525 33296 95862
Zhejiang 239058 56183 134559 8688 21288 67646
Anhui 87664 15426 52492 2973 11589 27702
Fujian 85745 19917 51914 3608 7887 23831
Jiangxi 51894 11923 28797 1435 5951 15419
Shandong 233137 56615 150084 8829 24097 83428
Henan 132062 29447 71046 3107 12730 37972
Hubei 131680 29791 79565 9138 16554 32320
Hunan 93806 22648 50745 4689 13693 28671
Guangdong 383524 79563 278890 12729 56037 117220
Guangxi 45049 12281 23655 2786 8563 13942
Hainan 6487 1691 3635 372 1060 1328
Chongqing 53359 13851 31617 2960 8582 15199
Sichuan 125089 31089 72918 6370 19358 42562
Guizhou 19982 6053 10948 1023 2739 8210
Yunnan 36876 11521 18947 2565 6520 12230
Tibet 1916 649 1184 107 402 922
Shaanxi 93576 26298 64630 5170 14260 28892
Gansu 29490 6985 15568 2068 3945 10297
Qinghai 7510 2237 3506 269 681 2604
Ningxia 10722 2807 5773 331 1120 3650
Xinjiang 20253 5840 9929 812 3195 7220