20-43 Basic Statistics on Science and Technology Activities of Large and
Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises
Item 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Statistics on Industrial Enterprises                                          
 Number of Enterprises Having R&D Activities               (unit) 7838 8954 10027 12434 12889
Percentage of Enterprises Having R&D Activities to                 24.0 24.7 24.9 30.5 28.3
  Total Number of Enterprises                                              (%)
Statitstics on R&D Activities                                                  
Full-time Equivalent of R&D Personnel      (10 000 man-years) 69.6 85.8 101.4 115.9 137.0
Intramural Expenditure on R&D                  (100 million yuan) 1630.2 2112.5 2681.3 3210.2 4015.4
Percentage of Intramural Expenditure on R&D to                      0.77 0.81 0.84 0.96 0.93
  Sales Revenue                                                                     (%)
Projects of R&D                                                                (item) 87207 92913 103234 133852 145589
Intramural Expenditure on R&D Projects    (100 million yuan) 1491.0 1967.6 2520.9 2696.4 3446.2
Statistics on R&D Institutions                                                 
Number of R&D Institutions                                             (unit) 10464 11847 13241 15217 16717
R&D Personnel                                                (10 000 persons) 75.8 88.3 107.5 128.0 148.5
Expenditure on R&D                                    (100 million yuan) 1335.1 1791.8 2336.3 2625.1 3276.9
Statitstics on New Products Development and Production  
Number of New Products                                                  (unit) 100760 112369 121358 152770 159637
Expenditure on New Products Development(100 million yuan) 1862.9 2453.3 3095.8 3654.6 4420.7
Sales Revenue of New Products                   (100 million yuan) 31232.8 40976.2 51291.6 57978.1 72863.9
   Export                                                                                       7335.2 9922.4 13210.7 10678.7 14773.6
Statistics on Patent                                                                   
Patent Applications                                                          (piece) 69009 95905 122076 166762 198890
   Inventions                                                                                 25685 36074 43773 63011 72523
Number of Patents In Force                                             (piece) 29176 43652 55723 81592 113074
Statistics on Technology Acquisition and Technology        
Expenditure for Acquisition of Technology  (100 million yuan) 320.4 452.5 440.4 394.6 386.1
Expenditure for Assimilation of Technology(100 million yuan) 81.9 106.6 106.4 163.8 165.2
Expenditure for Purchase of Domestic Technology (100 million yuan) 87.4 129.6 166.2 174.7 221.4
Expenditure for Technical Renovation        (100 million yuan) 3019.6 3650.0 4167.2 3671.4 3638.5