20-38 Basic Statistics on Educational Funds
(10 000 yuan)
Year Total       Donations Income   Other
Government   Funds from and from   Educational
Appropriation Budgetary Private Fund-raising Teaching Tuition Funds
Region for Schools for Running Research and  
Education   Schools and Other Miscel-  
      Auxiliary laneous  
      Activity Fees  
1992 8670491 7287506 5387382 696285 439319
1993 10599374 8677618 6443914 33323 701856 871477
1994 14887813 11747396 8839795 107795 974487 1469228
1995 18779501 14115233 10283930 203672 1628414 2012423
1996 22623394 16717046 12119134 261999 1884190 2610361
1997 25317326 18625416 13577262 301746 1706588 3260792
1998 29490592 20324526 15655917 480314 1418537 6091515 3697474 1175700
1999 33490416 22871756 18157597 628957 1258694 7497174 4636108 1233835
2000 38490806 25626056 20856792 858537 1139557 9382717 5948304 1483939
2001 46376626 30570100 25823762 1280895 1128852 11575137 7456014 1821643
2002 54800278 34914048 31142383 1725549 1272791 14609169 9227792 2278722
2003 62082653 38506237 34538583 2590148 1045927 17218399 11214985 2721943
2004 72425989 44658575 40278158 3478529 934204 20114268 13465517 3240414
2005 84188391 51610759 46656939 4522185 931613 23399991 15530545 3723842
2006 98153087 63483648 57956138 5490583 899078 24073042 15523301 4206736
2007 121480663 82802142 76549082 809337 930584 31772357 21309082 5166242
2008 145007374 104496296 96855602 698479 1026663 33670711 23492983 5115225
2009 165027065 122310935 114193032 749829 1254991 35275939 25155983 5435371
Central Government 18106109 11917748 11716869 138719 4991192 2535277 1058449
Local Governments 146920957 110393187 102476163 749829 1116271 30284747 22620706 4376922
Beijing 5289432 4332698 4006230 5208 53682 757151 503559 140694
Tianjin 2381672 1803943 1677781 3786 7210 505972 359736 60761
Hebei 6145261 4692123 4345828 29487 9451 1250708 1030697 163491
Shanxi 3809096 2977295 2694752 20794 8154 751428 602479 51425
Inner Mongolia 3187733 2692816 2498568 2280 3202 429547 334691 59889
Liaoning 5349184 4143772 3790891 20242 2148 1030190 837912 152832
Jilin 3006988 2375058 2275202 4153 4749 591920 468580 31108
Heilongjiang 3486163 2761967 2596720 8576 1285 701669 598105 12666
Shanghai 4937339 3825305 3395283 4592 9402 824593 688345 273448
Jiangsu 11054890 7402067 6548470 20570 148647 2852163 1946810 631443
Zhejiang 8911507 5947216 4998283 10892 176134 2133499 1544936 643766
Anhui 4873316 3596935 3387147 48279 22546 1101215 833179 104342
Fujian 4479126 3255728 3014545 85542 30471 1007403 734334 99983
Jiangxi 3776516 2706434 2589592 14660 13475 919367 747262 122580
Shandong 8397429 6364782 5676783 25512 28233 1816673 1379027 162228
Henan 7633496 5869145 5626470 59991 4947 1555511 1194810 143903
Hubei 5194495 3407313 3180674 42268 15608 1515403 1127650 213904
Hunan 5660684 4031176 3779431 20528 13569 1402601 1068199 192810
Guangdong 12843085 9071029 8554350 140275 112402 3223522 2394395 295858
Guangxi 3873253 3051449 2921498 10366 13682 739500 570102 58256
Hainan 1175474 905860 811612 21374 7033 213024 159035 28182
Chongqing 3309977 2324549 2195528 50352 32999 672950 463283 229126
Sichuan 8088479 6105391 5820461 39844 295131 1510993 897783 137121
Guizhou 3094113 2680258 2557255 7787 5667 358393 260951 42007
Yunnan 4408081 3723686 3596527 17428 16917 563675 429141 86375
Tibet 597448 577399 576051 29 4640 15087 11790 294
Shaanxi 4637457 3410574 3250003 30455 20738 1054918 844400 120772
Gansu 2761110 2359726 2286210 2361 26764 351007 282441 21251
Qinghai 785820 727966 705758 697 2278 45219 30159 9661
Ningxia 813071 677505 648255 605 21209 90061 68689 23689
Xinjiang 2959264 2592025 2470005 898 3897 299385 208225 63059
a) In 2007, certain indicators of educational funds had been revised. "Funds from private schools" from 1992 to 2006 equals to funds from social 
    organizations and citizens for running schools, but that of 2007 equals to funds from runners of private schools.