20-18 Students in Secondary Vocational Schools by Field of Study (2010)
New Junior    
Enrollment Secondary   Total Graduates With Certificate
  School Current Year Enrollment   on Professional
  Graduates Graduates     Competence
Total 7113957 6272645 5387353 18164447 5436524 3420318
Agriculture, Forestry, Animal  1104259 870615 544663 1945251 254803 124565
  Husbandry and Fishery
Resources and Environment 53118 28019 23585 117013 60199 27987
Energy and New Energy 34418 26879 24764 99929 37684 22830
Civil and Hydraulic Engineering 212009 190495 168268 516368 146612 90821
Manufacturing 1164369 1063049 960120 3410804 1308244 925115
Petroleum and Chemical 50857 42739 39301 150680 54447 33865
Light Industry, Textile, and Food 118539 106830 94158 320846 103456 61715
Transport 388745 337804 300888 922995 223541 152335
Information Technologies 1383590 1237692 1080984 3757587 1288833 870967
Medicine and Health 582799 529217 488289 1683865 435870 161472
Leisure and Health 34160 31382 28628 71353 10902 6716
Finance and Trade 716875 656154 579255 1937373 606217 392009
Tourism Services 299931 274324 242163 758065 187585 128738
Culture and Arts 348621 313591 289390 941092 280384 173439
Sports and Fitness 44413 41808 40456 120897 34786 19521
Education 355991 324884 309601 859991 218216 132573
Justice Services 29428 25143 22372 82666 34545 11079
Public Management and Services 97997 89358 72168 264664 84782 51836
Others 93838 82662 78300 203008 65418 32735