20-14 Number of Students in Adult Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study (2010)
New Under- Specia- Total Under- Specia- Graduates Under- Specia-
Enroll- graduate lized Enroll- graduate lized   graduate lized
ment Courses Courses ment Courses Courses   Courses Courses
Total 2084259 853319 1230940 5360388 2250457 3109931 1972873 803915 1168958
Run by Adult Institutions 183532 20580 162952 466418 51853 414565 199901 30558 169343
  of Higher Education
 Philosophy 88 88 88 88
 Economics 8700 542 8158 21186 1446 19740 8495 392 8103
 Law 6117 2028 4089 14078 4678 9400 6557 2573 3984
 Education 19150 5068 14082 46200 13961 32239 17358 6528 10830
 Literature 21695 6573 15122 54225 16793 37432 31396 13951 17445
    Foreign Language 4924 1644 3280 13713 4557 9156 8465 4332 4133
    Art 8056 532 7524 18012 1279 16733 7722 938 6784
 History 108 52 56 305 198 107 276 274 2
 Science 1869 962 907 4873 2420 2453 3143 2377 766
 Engineering 45487 896 44591 131298 2480 128818 49895 960 48935
 Agriculture 927 65 862 1753 167 1586 831 35 796
 Medicine 17545 1654 15891 40772 3260 37512 18117 1298 16819
 Management 61846 2740 59106 151640 6450 145190 63833 2170 61663
 Teacher Training 20830 10259 10571 54071 27538 26533 32106 20029 12077
 Run by Regular Institutions 1900727 832739 1067988 4893970 2198604 2695366 1772972 773357 999615
    of Higher Education
 Philosophy 824 97 727 1628 257 1371 758 79 679
 Economics 79102 30373 48729 218847 85308 133539 84853 27233 57620
 Law 63995 48799 15196 168275 128798 39477 76825 56231 20594
 Education 116296 41890 74406 278134 115024 163110 104418 46037 58381
 Literature 200104 128618 71486 547437 367965 179472 241808 160703 81105
    Foreign Language 57820 34768 23052 168689 107840 60849 73555 47880 25675
    Art 46153 18917 27236 116684 54830 61854 46005 21791 24214
 History 2405 2220 185 7276 6523 753 3666 3308 358
 Science 37364 27032 10332 103333 76819 26514 49986 41228 8758
 Engineering 532148 191388 340760 1402242 503263 898979 471874 157468 314406
 Agriculture 29593 12850 16743 69907 32269 37638 28852 14460 14392
 Medicine 307502 149950 157552 754465 362991 391474 247510 107672 139838
 Management 531394 199522 331872 1342426 519387 823039 462422 158938 303484
 Teacher Training 200289 132672 67617 527533 368612 158921 237826 170521 67305