20-9 Number of Graduates by Level and Type of School
(10 000 persons)
Regular Regular Senior Junior Vocational Primary Special
Institutions Secondary Secondary Secondary Secondary Schools Schools
of Higher Schools Schools Schools Schools    
1978 16.5 2375.3 682.7 1692.6 2287.9 0.3
1980 14.7 1581.0 616.2 964.7 7.9 2053.3 0.4
1985 31.6 1194.9 196.6 998.3 41.3 1999.9 0.4
1986 39.3 1281.0 224.0 1057.0 57.9 2016.1 0.5
1987 53.2 1364.1 246.8 1117.3 75.0 2043.0 0.4
1988 55.3 1407.8 250.6 1157.2 81.0 1930.3 0.5
1989 57.6 1377.5 243.2 1134.3 86.3 1857.1 0.5
1990 61.4 1342.1 233.0 1109.1 89.3 1863.1 0.5
1991 61.4 1308.5 222.9 1085.5 94.5 1896.7 0.6
1992 60.4 1328.4 226.1 1102.3 96.7 1872.4 0.9
1993 57.1 1365.9 231.7 1134.2 102.5 1841.5 1.2
1994 63.7 1361.9 209.3 1152.6 107.6 1899.6 1.4
1995 80.5 1429.0 201.6 1227.4 124.0 1961.5 1.9
1996 83.9 1484.0 204.9 1279.0 139.6 1934.1 2.4
1997 82.9 1664.0 221.7 1442.4 150.1 1960.1 2.8
1998 83.0 1832.0 251.8 1580.2 162.8 2117.4 3.5
1999 84.8 1852.7 262.9 1589.8 167.8 2313.7 3.8
2000 95.0 1908.6 301.5 1607.1 176.3 2419.2 4.3
2001 103.6 2047.4 340.5 1707.0 166.5 2396.9 4.6
2002 133.7 2263.6 383.8 1879.9 145.4 2351.9 4.4
2003 187.7 2453.7 458.1 1995.6 135.5 2267.9 4.5
2004 239.1 2617.4 546.9 2070.4 142.5 2135.2 4.7
2005 306.8 2768.1 661.6 2106.5 170.0 2019.5 4.3
2006 377.5 2789.5 727.1 2062.4 179.5 1928.5 4.5
2007 447.8 2745.2 788.3 1956.8 197.7 1870.2 5.0
2008 511.9 2699.0 836.1 1862.9 216.7 1865.0 5.2
2009 531.1 2618.4 823.7 1794.7 232.1 1805.2 5.7
2010 575.4 2543.0 794.4 1748.6 232.0 1739.6 5.9