19-3 Money Supply at Year-end
  (100 million yuan)
Money and       Quasi-Money      
Quasi-Money Money          
(M2) (M1) Currency in Demand Time Savings Other
    Circulation (M0) Deposits Deposits Deposits Deposits
1990 15293.4 6950.7 2644.4 4306.3 8342.7  
1991 19349.9 8633.3 3177.8 5455.5 10716.6  
1992 25402.2 11731.5 4336.0 7395.2 13670.7  
1993 34879.8 16280.4 5864.7 10415.7 18599.4 1247.9 15203.5 2148.0
1994 46923.5 20540.7 7288.6 13252.1 26382.8 1943.1 21518.8 2920.9
1995 60750.5 23987.1 7885.3 16101.8 36763.4 3324.2 29662.2 3777.0
1996 76094.9 28514.8 8802.0 19712.8 47580.1 5041.9 38520.8 4017.4
1997 90995.3 34826.3 10177.6 24648.7 56169.1 6738.5 46279.8 3150.7
1998 104498.5 38953.7 11204.2 27749.5 65544.9 8301.9 53407.5 3835.5
1999 119897.9 45837.2 13455.5 32381.8 74060.6 9476.8 59621.8 4962.0
2000 134610.3 53147.2 14652.7 38494.5 81463.1 11261.1 64332.4 5869.7
2001 158301.9 59871.6 15688.8 44182.8 98430.3 14180.1 73762.4 10487.8
2002 185007.0 70881.8 17278.0 53603.8 114125.2 16433.8 86910.7 10780.7
2003 221222.8 84118.6 19746.0 64372.6 137104.3 20940.4 103617.7 12546.2
2004 254107.0 95969.7 21468.3 74501.4 158137.2 25382.2 119555.4 13199.7
2005 298755.7 107278.8 24031.7 83247.1 191476.9 33100.0 141051.0 17325.9
2006 345603.6 126035.1 27072.6 98962.5 219568.5 38723.1 161587.3 19249.1
2007 403442.2 152560.1 30375.2 122184.9 250882.1 46932.5 172534.2 31415.4
2008 475166.6 166217.1 34219.0 131998.2 308949.5 60103.1 217885.4 30961.1
2009 606225.0 220001.5 38246.0 181758.5 386219.1 82284.9 260767.3 43166.9
2010 725774.1 266621.3 44628.2 221993.2 459152.7 105858.7 303302.2 49991.9
a) Since June in 2001, the margin account of security companies maintained with financial institutions, part of Other Deposits, are included in money
 supply (M2).