17-10  Total Purchases, Sales and Stock of Enterprises above Designated Size of
Retail Trade by Status of Registration and Sector (2010)
(100 million yuan)
Total   Total   Stock
Purchases Imports Sales Exports (year-end)
Value   Value    
  Retail Trade 48890.8 1141.6 57514.6 44.5 5104.6
  by Status of Registration
 Domestic Funded Enterprises 42854.5 832.8 49984.0 41.7 4433.3
     State-owned Enterprises   3683.3 47.7 4393.0 6.2 374.1
     Collective-owned Enterprises  1039.5 2.8 1133.9 113.3
     Cooperative Enterprises   263.6 317.4 22.5
     Joint Ownership Enterprises          214.5 238.8 13.3
         State Joint Ownership Enterprises 119.5 131.4 6.2
         Collective Joint Ownership Enterprises        23.4 26.8 1.5
         Joint State-collective Enterprises 47.5 52.5 2.9
         Other Joint Ownership Enterprises  24.1 28.1 2.7
     Limited Liability Corporations        15612.3 290.2 17810.2 3.4 1670.2
         State Sole Funded Corporations           266.5 8.3 296.2 0.1 31.0
         Other Limited Liability Corporations  15345.8 281.9 17514.0 3.3 1639.2
     Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 6528.0 29.3 8771.5 16.9 566.9
     Private Enterprises       15113.3 459.7 16870.5 13.9 1629.2
         Private-funded Enterprises 1429.3 26.5 1589.7 0.2 138.7
         Private Partnership Enterprises     260.2 3.8 290.0 26.3
         Private Limited Liability Corporations 12487.5 422.0 13950.0 13.0 1373.5
         Private Share-holding Corporations Ltd.  936.3 7.3 1040.8 0.8 90.7
     Other Enterprises         400.0 3.0 448.7 1.2 43.7
  Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong, 2523.6 195.9 2986.7 2.5 274.9
    Macao and Taiwan
     Joint-venture Enterprises 723.5 74.7 847.8 0.1 54.5
     Cooperative Enterprises 382.0 350.5 46.0
     Enterprises with Sole Fund 1350.2 116.9 1702.0 2.5 166.3
     Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 68.0 4.3 86.4 8.1
  Foreign Funded Enterprises  3512.7 113.0 4543.8 0.3 396.3
     Joint-venture Enterprises  1588.0 30.6 2281.0 132.9
     Cooperation Enterprises    227.3 275.7 0.1 15.0
     Enterprises with Sole Fund 1591.5 82.3 1859.9 0.3 240.6
     Share-holding Corporations Ltd. 105.9 0.1 127.3 7.9
by Sector
 Integrated Retail 13133.5 52.9 16176.0 6.6 1486.2
    Retail of General Merchandise 6706.1 42.4 8646.7 6.3 629.1
    Retail of Supermarkets 5673.1 7.8 6804.8 784.2
 Special Retail of Food, Beverages and Tobaccos 870.5 14.5 1037.1 9.4 124.4
 Special Retail of Textiles, Garments and Daily Consumer Articles 1493.7 59.6 1966.9 3.4 334.0
    Retail of Garments 1023.7 48.7 1317.1 2.3 232.4
 Special Retail of Culture, Sports Appliances and Equipments 1138.3 32.2 1309.0 2.4 295.8
    Retail of  Sports Goods 67.5 2.0 75.9 19.1
    Retail of Books 588.8 11.4 604.1 0.2 133.7
 Special Retail of Medicines and Medical Appliances 2281.1 14.3 2511.7 0.1 292.1
    Retail of  Medicines 2186.7 0.6 2399.0 278.4
 Special Retail of Motor Vehicles, Motorcycles, 23648.2 907.5 27460.7 16.7 1838.2
   Fuel and Parts
    Retail of  Motor Vehicles 17245.0 892.8 18608.7 16.1 1536.0
    Retail of  Fuel of Motor Vehicles 5911.7 2.2 8309.5 247.5
 Special Retail of Household  Electric  4258.9 21.2 4641.1 0.9 515.8
  Appliances and Electronic Products
    Retail of Household Electric Appliances 3067.8 7.2 3298.3 0.6 381.0
    Retail of Computer, Software and Assistant Appliances 757.2 3.6 845.0 0.2 74.0
    Retail of Communication Equipments 335.7 4.3 386.1 50.0
 Special Retail of Hardware, Furniture and Decoration Materials 1049.7 10.3 1255.0 1.9 123.9
 Non-shop and Other Retails 1017.0 29.1 1157.1 3.1 94.3
    Distribution of Post and E-commerce 281.5 1.9 320.8 0.3 25.6