9-9 Producers' Price
Indices for Farm Products |
(preceding year=100) |
Item |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
General Price Index for Farm Products |
118.5 |
114.1 |
97.6 |
110.9 |
Planting Products |
109.8 |
108.4 |
102.9 |
116.6 |
Cereal |
109.0 |
107.1 |
104.9 |
112.8 |
Wheat |
105.5 |
108.7 |
107.9 |
107.9 |
Rice |
105.4 |
106.6 |
105.2 |
112.8 |
Corn |
115.0 |
107.3 |
98.5 |
116.1 |
Beans |
124.2 |
119.7 |
92.3 |
107.9 |
Oil-bearing Crops |
133.4 |
128.0 |
94.1 |
112.1 |
Cotton |
109.6 |
90.6 |
111.8 |
157.7 |
Sugar |
100.0 |
98.4 |
101.5 |
106.0 |
Vegetable |
106.9 |
104.7 |
111.8 |
116.8 |
Fruit |
101.3 |
101.4 |
107.0 |
118.9 |
Forestry Products |
104.4 |
108.5 |
94.9 |
122.8 |
Animal Husbandry Products |
131.4 |
123.9 |
90.1 |
103.0 |
Pig (gross weight) |
145.9 |
130.8 |
81.6 |
98.3 |
Cattle and Buffaloes
(gross weight) |
117.5 |
123.6 |
101.0 |
104.7 |
Sheep and Goats (gross
weight) |
121.0 |
118.8 |
101.1 |
108.7 |
Poultry (gross weight) |
117.0 |
111.9 |
102.2 |
107.0 |
Eggs |
115.9 |
112.2 |
102.8 |
107.5 |
Milk |
106.2 |
125.5 |
91.6 |
115.3 |
Fishery Products |
108.1 |
111.2 |
99.0 |
107.6 |
Seawater Fish |
110.1 |
109.4 |
99.9 |
110.5 |
Freshwater Fish |
106.8 |
114.6 |
101.3 |
104.9 |