8-11  Extra-budgetary Expenditure by Item
(100 million yuan)
Year Total Expenditure Education Expenditure Transport Expenditure Other
  for General   for Social   for Urban Expenditure
  Public Services   Safety Net and   and Rural  
      Employment   Community  
      Effort   Affairs  
1996 3838.32
1997 2685.54
1998 2918.31
1999 3139.14
2000 3529.01
2001 3850.00
2002 3831.00
2003 4156.36
2004 4351.73
2005 5242.48
2006 5866.95
2007 6112.42 611.71 2196.93 255.94 975.96 771.02 1300.87
2008 6346.36 565.38 2325.98 217.83 1066.20 807.66 1363.31
2009 6228.29 539.63 2365.21 172.45 1047.53 646.84 1456.63
a) Because adjustment on the coverage of extra-budgetary expenditures in 1996 has made, the figures are not comparable with the previous years. 
    Since 1997, the extra-budgetary expenditure does not include the intra-budgetary government funds (fee). Since 2004, the extra-budgetary 
    expenditure is the fiscal extra-budgetary expenditure in special account.
b) In 2007, the extra-budgetary expenditures was reflected in new accounts of expenditure classification.