7-2 Total Consumption of Energy and Its Composition
Year Total Energy As Percentage of Total Energy Consumption (%)
 Consumption Coal Crude Oil Natural Gas Hydro-power, Nuclear 
(10 000 tons of SCE) Power, Wind Power
1978 57144 70.7 22.7 3.2 3.4
1980 60275 72.2 20.7 3.1 4.0
1985 76682 75.8 17.1 2.2 4.9
1990 98703 76.2 16.6 2.1 5.1
1991 103783 76.1 17.1 2.0 4.8
1992 109170 75.7 17.5 1.9 4.9
1993 115993 74.7 18.2 1.9 5.2
1994 122737 75.0 17.4 1.9 5.7
1995 131176 74.6 17.5 1.8 6.1
1996 135192 73.5 18.7 1.8 6.0
1997 135909 71.4 20.4 1.8 6.4
1998 136184 70.9 20.8 1.8 6.5
1999 140569 70.6 21.5 2.0 5.9
2000 145531 69.2 22.2 2.2 6.4
2001 150406 68.3 21.8 2.4 7.5
2002 159431 68.0 22.3 2.4 7.3
2003 183792 69.8 21.2 2.5 6.5
2004 213456 69.5 21.3 2.5 6.7
2005 235997 70.8 19.8 2.6 6.8
2006 258676 71.1 19.3 2.9 6.7
2007 280508 71.1 18.8 3.3 6.8
2008 291448 70.3 18.3 3.7 7.7
2009 306647 70.4 17.9 3.9 7.8
2010 324939 68.0 19.0 4.4 8.6