5-24  Newly Increased Production Capacity of Major Products
Item 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Coal Mining                        (10 000 tons/year) 22648 26984 23059 32006 38706
Coke                                    (10 000 tons/year) 5113 4554 4203 6327 7729
Petroleum Extraction          (10 000 tons/year) 1602 1956 1765 2559 3553
Extraction of Petroleum and Natural Gas 76 113 61 20 189
                                   (100 million cu.m/year)
Iron Ore Mining                 (10 000 tons/year) 7908 8521 8212 6824 13333
Pig Iron                               (10 000 tons/year) 3740 3109 2144 4099 1939
Steel-making                       (10 000 tons/year) 2784 2862 2255 2912 1355
Iron Alloy                           (standard ton/year) 2357315 2791788 2050110 1333711 2790401
Copper Ore Mining             (10 000 tons/year) 623 1120 1458 1930 2142
Copper Ore Dressing
   Crude Ore Dressing         (10 000 tons/year) 857 448 319 798 1110
   Copper Content                            (ton/year) 40914 211575 3590 9206 48707
Copper Smelting                               (ton/year) 1085318 863080 1161856 1126581 1543482
   Electrolytic Copper                       (ton/year) 304945 277912 313806 594406 669100
Plumbum/Zinc Ore Mining (10 000 tons/year) 1580 1921 1462 1879 1775
Plumbum and Zinc Ore Dressing
    Crude Ore Dressing        (10 000 tons/year) 1284 3052 900 696 1908
    Plumbum Content                         (ton/year) 161813 241873 105331 84819 171634
    Zinc Content                                 (ton/year) 231221 356817 123939 66624 133520
Plumbum Smelting                          (ton/year) 765303 1056521 616698 892551 1007309
    Electrolytic Plumbum                   (ton/year) 392750 380000 327880 212500 259073
Zinc Smelting                                   (ton/year) 803656 739835 450197 667332 1271247
   Electrolytic Zinc                            (ton/year) 434797 322000 72200 251400 690112
Aluminum Oxide                             (ton/year) 2053518 1854430 2682830 1950800 3466170
Electrolytic  Aluminum                   (ton/year) 663601 788030 215260 695714 1581992
Hydraulic Power                          (10 000 kw) 1295 1674 2515 2487 1450
Fire Power                                    (10 000 kw) 8019 7379 5705 5043 5311
Nuclear Energy Source                 (10 000 kw) 252 293 116 515
Other Power                                 (10 000 kw) 430 626 974 1612 1922
Cement                               (10 000 tons/year) 21219 24261 23547 37960 43612
Plate Glass              (10 000 Weight-box/year) 5461 5629 15936 10180 17752
Calcium Carbide                             (ton/year) 760060 1821761 2526438 1342986 2110015
Nitrogen Fertilizers                             (ton/year) 6696240 3285902 4648925 6336714 5571774
Phosphate Fertilizer                            (ton/year) 2902662 2389156 1665438 3575323 2084227
Potash Fertilizer                                  (ton/year) 643020 551546 654148 1074772 1155773
Plastic Colophony and Polymer          (ton/year) 1974181 5481880 3290095 1937934 6449426
Tire (Cover)                         (10 000 units/year) 6637 10755 5913 3519 6697
 Inner Tube                           (10 000 units/year) 1561 6910 4137 7082 4739
Trucks                                                (unit/year) 359895 199341 92900 275650 134600
Passenger Motor Vehicles                 (unit/year) 2300 14834 43500 58740 211020
Cars                                                    (unit/year) 1194509 1520269 830603 1760565 855453
Other Motor Vehicles                        (unit/year) 115040 159335 77757 121300 109837
Television Sets                     (10 000 units/year) 1996 344 514 300 327
Chemical Fibre                                   (ton/year) 1217605 2704284 2817572 1923430 2120522
Cotton Spindles                                         (unit) 17565145 20419912 9816359 10249173 9730125
Wool Spindles                                            (unit) 278309 175120 352621 161190 203285
Beer                                        (10 000 tons/year) 481 753 551 240 290
Distilled Spirit                       (10 000 tons/year) 228 518 179 182 175
Other Alcohols                      (10 000 tons/year) 51 151 44 67 56
Cigarettes                                           (box/year) 701514 1074420 820000 1315007 1083600
Machine-made Paper Pulp    (10 000 tons/year) 229 341 192 267 234
Household Refrigerator         (10 000 unit/year) 382 640 1091 361 612
Household Washing Machine (10 000 unit/year) 157 259 536 497 443
Length of Newly-built and 1756 956 1459 5598 5017
   Operating Railway                                   (km)
Length of New Highways                           (km) 62267 89687 75416 107675 72392
Length of Reconstructed Highways            (km) 144297 157341 128653 151945 124983
Newly-built or Expanded Ports
   Annual Handling Capacity (10 000 tons/year) 30073 19831 17412 13941 21848
   Berths                                                      (unit) 255 186 143 187 196
Tap Water Supply Capacity    (10 000 tons/day) 1818 2480 1702 2269 1622