4-16  Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units by Sector and Region 
  Total Agriculture, Mining Manufacturing Production Construction Transport, Information Wholesale Hotels Financial Real Estate Leasing Scientific Management Services to Education Health, Culture, Public
Year   Forestry,     and   Storage Transmission, and and Intermediation   and Research, of Water Households   Social Sports Management
  Animal     Distribution   and Post Computer Retail Catering     Business Technical Conservancy, and   Securities and and Social
Region   Husbandry     of Electricity,     Service and Trades Services     Services Services, and Environment Other   and Social Entertainment Organization
    and Fishery     Gas and Water     Software           Geological and Public Services   Welfare    
                            Prospecting Facilities          
2003 13969 6884 13627 12671 18574 11328 15753 30897 10894 11198 20780 17085 17020 20442 11774 12665 14189 16185 17098 15355
2004 15920 7497 16774 14251 21543 12578 18071 33449 13012 12618 24299 18467 18723 23351 12884 13680 16085 18386 20522 17372
2005 18200 8207 20449 15934 24750 14112 20911 38799 15256 13876 29229 20253 21233 27155 14322 15747 18259 20808 22670 20234
2006 20856 9269 24125 18225 28424 16164 24111 43435 17796 15236 35495 22238 24510 31644 15630 18030 20918 23590 25847 22546
2007 24721 10847 28185 21144 33470 18482 27903 47700 21074 17046 44011 26085 27807 38432 18383 20370 25908 27892 30430 27731
2008 28898 12560 34233 24404 38515 21223 32041 54906 25818 19321 53897 30118 32915 45512 21103 22858 29831 32185 34158 32296
2009 32244 14356 38038 26810 41869 24161 35315 58154 29139 20860 60398 32242 35494 50143 23159 25172 34543 35662 37755 35326
2010 36539 16717 44196 30916 47309 27529 40466 64436 33635 23382 70146 35870 39566 56376 25544 28206 38968 40232 41428 38242
  Beijing        65158 29889 68514 48298 85178 46421 51342 105560 64150 31978 164643 50814 63794 88018 41376 27625 65150 70182 76415 55680
  Tianjin        51489 40221 59897 42482 82607 53686 55912 73276 44710 22742 89166 47385 28880 80485 44067 23529 66285 60149 54182 67714
  Hebei          31451 12423 49514 27894 45478 23159 33141 38840 19780 17314 45176 27894 21159 49179 21663 34932 33588 30645 26208 29923
  Shanxi         33057 20570 52252 25350 43023 25936 37888 33916 18890 15064 47037 17847 19819 33847 16657 20623 30620 24049 24927 27751
  Inner Mongolia 35211 18292 42248 30024 48860 24946 39991 37530 24342 21335 45588 26475 31840 40047 27729 39550 43397 38375 37805 40338
  Liaoning       34437 10040 41238 32126 42658 27535 38451 56013 28616 21613 53676 28147 24598 48030 24753 25101 41656 36638 36478 36941
  Jilin          29003 15220 33584 31153 33044 21165 30422 33772 22999 17594 43174 23153 23918 38732 18375 17511 31548 28476 26684 29247
  Heilongjiang   27735 12916 39793 26764 36613 22904 31501 40416 25702 20804 42537 21881 28238 39938 18663 29803 34630 32095 29827 31568
  Shanghai       66115 39575 62356 52163 93049 69051 58405 115524 61509 32815 155763 48306 60905 83338 44376 35226 69738 73470 68533 73073
  Jiangsu        39772 20736 41573 32209 66131 29679 38584 58902 31451 24029 71115 43305 29776 60437 30940 34349 49340 46337 48360 58861
  Zhejiang       40640 34088 28330 29671 77180 28595 48359 77125 39901 24679 98135 42290 32450 56621 32462 35127 63693 62508 56313 64667
  Anhui          33341 16945 57314 29238 40467 28046 29408 36316 26935 18188 46561 27250 28122 36068 20949 23258 32445 31811 28435 33622
  Fujian         32340 18041 29328 26627 50529 30138 39741 59117 32850 22268 70532 36917 24511 41592 26824 33977 40550 40844 35654 42000
  Jiangxi        28363 16265 27978 25579 37312 25293 38628 32566 24868 18268 38926 25857 21725 30430 19757 22375 29980 31494 30555 29395
  Shandong       33321 24143 46560 27773 42025 25807 39435 50315 23845 21810 53148 29793 28987 45803 25387 32461 38621 38044 41008 35726
  Henan          29819 17433 46887 25864 37196 24151 31748 35042 22403 20201 41871 28913 24560 36436 24648 23650 33090 31177 28511 28474
  Hubei          31811 19541 31989 30689 39067 27661 34668 39222 25081 20601 49830 30760 26647 45518 21730 26086 34230 33751 32390 34198
  Hunan          29670 15435 24867 28691 36134 23674 32921 39592 27604 19963 44428 27550 25086 36381 22133 23740 31825 36476 32908 30156
  Guangdong      40432 15270 47254 31277 58158 29019 49623 68204 38378 24781 90519 37590 41195 69434 31351 29956 42928 52308 47213 53350
  Guangxi        30673 17023 28708 26179 39264 27688 33697 42633 26093 17211 60153 27597 25994 36182 20150 21791 32182 33100 32141 33864
  Hainan         30775 18042 30151 26772 40553 25237 42036 60215 23955 18875 62984 26157 20703 30680 20652 20526 40791 35308 29492 39376
  Chongqing      34727 20544 31491 31894 50326 27730 33613 62634 29667 21389 58751 32396 25440 55381 21818 26049 37497 44249 34163 36936
  Sichuan        32567 19980 37984 28577 39844 24036 36496 42615 29046 22262 52854 29995 34221 53854 20555 24029 34408 39209 32101 35015
  Guizhou        30433 18175 32779 29381 47822 25437 32106 37097 27776 18935 61474 22997 22036 29670 20737 21966 30466 29993 24531 29537
  Yunnan         29195 15922 27175 28550 44110 21002 35897 37346 26268 16030 60775 22236 23969 34588 17788 18340 32301 28988 24834 31650
  Tibet          49898 20238 26315 26984 41225 27908 39032 51682 39462 22090 98092 43451 27828 63810 32464 44509 52781 48293 50858 54848
  Shaanxi        33384 23934 42417 26015 39677 25357 35846 42498 23836 18171 48138 37842 28327 48734 23514 26147 39785 34809 29724 33224
  Gansu          29096 19735 43258 28173 37624 20836 30928 24896 20563 17588 35311 22936 21608 34730 23186 21384 29725 28881 28769 30227
  Qinghai        36121 26020 40320 28459 44721 26423 43523 41668 24898 18574 41641 21948 42784 48822 25591 32969 42447 37126 38694 40648
  Ningxia        37166 20940 71685 29560 55543 25284 36498 42469 29497 17799 53674 28610 26137 36666 25155 23356 35785 31896 34118 33119
  Xinjiang       32003 20022 47805 31588 43855 28908 45572 43124 32343 21954 53127 23005 22517 38593 25575 18330 35016 32323 32609 35950