4-12  Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units and Related Indices
Year Average Wage  (yuan) Indices of Average Wage(preceding year=100) Indices of Average Real Wage(preceding year=100)
Total         Total         Total        
  State- Urban Units of   State- Urban Units of   State- Urban Units of
Region Staff and owned Collective- Other Staff and owned Collective- Other Staff and owned Collective- Other
Workers Units owned Types of Workers Units owned Types of Workers Units owned Types of
    Units Ownership     Units Ownership     Units Ownership
1995 5348 5500 5553 3934 7728 118.9 121.2 117.3 121.1 119.9 101.8 103.8 100.4 103.7 102.6
1996 5980 6210 6207 4312 8521 111.8 112.9 111.8 109.6 110.3 102.8 103.8 102.7 100.7 101.3
1997 6444 6470 6679 4516 9092 107.8 104.2 107.6 104.7 106.7 104.5 101.1 104.4 101.6 103.5
1998 7446 7479 7579 5314 9241 115.5 106.6 113.5 117.7 101.6 116.2 107.2 114.2 118.4 102.3
1999 8319 8346 8443 5758 10142 111.7 111.6 111.4 108.4 109.8 113.2 113.1 112.9 109.8 111.2
2000 9333 9371 9441 6241 11238 112.2 112.3 111.8 108.4 110.8 111.3 111.4 110.9 107.5 109.9
2001 10834 10870 11045 6851 12437 116.1 116.0 117.0 109.8 110.7 115.3 115.2 116.2 109.0 109.9
2002 12373 12422 12701 7636 13486 114.2 114.3 115.0 111.5 108.4 115.4 115.5 116.2 112.6 109.5
2003 13969 14040 14358 8627 14843 112.9 113.0 113.0 113.0 110.1 111.9 112.0 112.0 112.0 109.1
2004 15920 16024 16445 9723 16519 114.0 114.1 114.5 112.7 111.3 110.3 110.5 110.9 109.1 107.7
2005 18200 18364 18978 11176 18362 114.3 114.6 115.4 114.9 111.2 112.5 112.8 113.6 113.1 109.4
2006 20856 21001 21706 12866 21004 114.6 114.4 114.4 115.1 114.4 112.9 112.7 112.7 113.4 112.7
2007 24721 24932 26100 15444 24271 118.5 118.7 120.2 120.0 115.6 113.4 113.6 115.0 114.8 110.6
2008 28898 29229 30287 18103 28552 116.9 117.2 116.0 117.2 117.6 110.7 111.0 109.8 111.0 111.4
2009 32244 32736 34130 20607 31350 111.6 112.0 112.7 113.8 109.8 112.6 113.0 113.7 114.8 110.8
2010 36539 37147 38359 24010 35801 113.3 113.5 112.4 116.5 114.2 109.8 110.0 108.9 112.9 110.7
  Beijing        65158 65683 67403 26677 66246 112.8 113.0 111.4 113.8 113.0 110.2 110.4 108.8 111.1 110.4
  Tianjin        51489 52963 56635 37686 48557 117.2 117.7 118.2 129.9 116.1 113.2 113.7 114.1 125.4 112.1
  Hebei          31451 32306 31977 21825 31953 113.2 113.8 110.8 121.2 117.7 110.1 110.7 107.8 117.9 114.5
  Shanxi         33057 33544 32664 21579 35863 117.8 117.8 113.1 119.1 126.2 114.3 114.3 109.7 115.5 122.4
  Inner Mongolia 35211 35507 37255 29287 31275 115.5 115.7 116.0 121.3 113.3 112.2 112.4 112.7 117.8 110.0
  Liaoning       34437 35057 35522 19904 35191 112.8 112.7 111.4 118.0 113.9 109.7 109.6 108.4 114.8 110.8
  Jilin          29003 29399 30082 16877 28874 111.8 112.1 111.1 117.7 112.1 108.1 108.4 107.4 113.8 108.4
  Heilongjiang   27735 29603 28373 19596 27469 111.8 111.6 110.7 121.0 111.5 108.0 107.8 106.9 116.8 107.7
  Shanghai       66115 71874 71885 41106 63544 113.3 113.1 111.2 112.1 114.6 109.9 109.7 107.9 108.7 111.1
  Jiangsu        39772 40505 49553 30263 34273 112.9 112.9 112.6 116.6 114.7 109.0 109.0 108.7 112.5 110.7
  Zhejiang       40640 41505 62367 35665 33476 111.2 111.0 109.5 113.9 113.9 107.0 106.8 105.3 109.6 109.6
  Anhui          33341 34341 33793 23869 33867 116.1 115.8 115.9 119.4 115.8 112.7 112.4 112.5 115.9 112.4
  Fujian         32340 32647 40090 26652 28978 114.0 113.9 111.2 110.0 117.3 110.5 110.4 107.8 106.6 113.7
  Jiangxi        28363 29092 30031 17898 26044 117.4 117.8 117.4 110.9 118.9 114.1 114.5 114.1 107.8 115.5
  Shandong       33321 33729 38490 25626 29328 113.3 113.6 112.2 120.1 114.3 110.5 110.8 109.4 117.1 111.4
  Henan          29819 30303 31470 20385 29272 110.8 110.8 110.4 113.2 111.2 107.1 107.1 106.8 109.5 107.5
  Hubei          31811 32588 35044 23954 28262 119.8 120.1 120.1 127.3 121.0 116.6 116.9 116.9 123.9 117.8
  Hunan          29670 30483 31900 21595 27844 111.8 111.7 110.1 111.9 115.1 108.5 108.4 106.8 108.6 111.7
  Guangdong      40432 40358 49027 22453 36779 110.9 111.0 110.4 110.5 111.8 107.6 107.7 107.1 107.2 108.5
  Guangxi        30673 31842 32587 21533 28146 112.3 112.5 111.3 115.9 114.9 109.1 109.3 108.2 112.6 111.7
  Hainan         30775 31025 31582 20434 30560 124.1 124.4 130.6 116.8 111.1 118.8 119.1 125.0 111.8 106.4
  Chongqing      34727 35326 37195 23817 33223 113.9 114.1 111.7 118.7 116.4 110.3 110.5 108.2 115.0 112.7
  Sichuan        32567 33112 36729 23441 27081 115.7 115.9 114.0 111.4 119.5 112.0 112.2 110.3 107.8 115.6
  Guizhou        30433 31458 31469 24065 28517 110.9 111.4 108.7 110.9 117.0 107.6 108.0 105.4 107.6 113.5
  Yunnan         29195 30177 33140 24213 23253 111.6 111.8 112.7 117.2 110.3 107.5 107.7 108.5 112.9 106.2
  Tibet          49898 54397 51420 16206 33642 110.0 111.6 109.1 135.6 126.2 107.6 109.2 106.7 132.7 123.5
  Shaanxi        33384 34299 34528 20400 32445 112.9 113.6 111.9 124.8 113.2 108.9 109.5 107.9 120.3 109.2
  Gansu          29096 29588 29889 22084 27375 108.8 108.9 106.4 116.8 118.0 104.3 104.4 102.0 111.9 113.1
  Qinghai        36121 37182 41417 20289 23171 111.2 110.8 110.7 113.9 116.9 105.8 105.4 105.3 108.3 111.2
  Ningxia        37166 39144 35330 38127 40148 112.9 114.9 108.6 113.5 119.9 108.8 110.8 104.7 109.4 115.6
  Xinjiang       32003 32361 31006 31249 34477 115.9 116.6 116.5 137.5 113.1 111.8 112.5 112.4 132.7 109.1
a) Average wage of employed persons in urban units from 1995 to 2008 referred to average earning of employed persons in urban units. The same 
    applies to the related tables following.