2-24  Household Consumption Expenditure
Level in this table are calculated at current prices, while indices are calculated at constant prices.
  Level (yuan)   Index (Preceding Year=100) Index (1978=100)
Year All     Consumption All     All    
Households Rural Urban Ratio (Rural Households Rural Urban Households Rural Urban
    Household Household Household=1)   Household Household   Household Household
1978 184 138 405 2.9 104.1 104.3 103.3 100.0 100.0 100.0
1979 208 159 425 2.7 106.9 106.5 102.8 106.9 106.5 102.8
1980 238 178 489 2.7 109.0 108.4 107.2 116.5 115.4 110.2
1981 264 201 521 2.6 108.3 109.8 104.0 126.2 126.8 114.6
1982 288 223 536 2.4 106.8 109.1 100.7 134.8 138.3 115.4
1983 316 250 558 2.2 108.1 110.6 102.1 145.8 153.1 117.9
1984 361 287 618 2.2 112.0 112.9 107.9 163.2 172.8 127.2
1985 446 349 765 2.2 113.5 113.3 111.1 185.2 195.7 141.3
1986 497 378 872 2.3 104.7 102.3 106.7 194.0 200.3 150.8
1987 565 421 998 2.4 106.0 104.9 105.6 205.5 210.0 159.3
1988 714 509 1311 2.6 107.8 105.2 109.7 221.5 221.0 174.7
1989 788 549 1466 2.7 99.8 98.3 100.7 221.0 217.2 176.0
1990 833 560 1596 2.9 103.7 99.2 108.5 229.2 215.4 190.9
1991 932 602 1840 3.1 108.6 105.4 110.7 249.0 227.1 211.4
1992 1116 688 2262 3.3 113.3 108.5 116.1 282.0 246.5 245.3
1993 1393 805 2924 3.6 108.4 104.3 110.4 305.8 257.1 270.8
1994 1833 1038 3852 3.7 104.6 103.1 104.4 320.0 265.0 282.8
1995 2355 1313 4931 3.8 107.8 106.8 107.2 345.1 282.9 303.2
1996 2789 1626 5532 3.4 109.4 114.5 103.4 377.6 323.8 313.6
1997 3002 1722 5823 3.4 104.5 103.1 102.2 394.6 334.0 320.4
1998 3159 1730 6109 3.5 105.9 101.2 105.9 417.8 338.1 339.2
1999 3346 1766 6405 3.6 108.3 105.1 107.0 452.3 355.3 363.0
2000 3632 1860 6850 3.7 108.6 104.5 107.8 491.0 371.3 391.1
2001 3887 1969 7161 3.6 106.1 104.5 103.9 521.2 388.0 406.3
2002 4144 2062 7486 3.6 107.0 105.2 104.9 557.6 408.1 426.2
2003 4475 2103 8060 3.8 107.1 100.3 107.0 596.9 409.5 456.1
2004 5032 2319 8912 3.8 108.1 104.2 106.9 645.3 426.7 487.7
2005 5573 2579 9644 3.7 107.7 107.5 105.5 695.2 458.8 514.3
2006 6263 2868 10682 3.7 109.6 108.4 108.0 761.9 497.1 555.7
2007 7255 3293 12211 3.7 110.7 108.2 109.7 843.4 537.9 609.9  
2008 8349 3795 13845 3.6 108.7 107.1 107.7 916.8 575.8 656.7  
2009 9098 4021 15025 3.7 109.2 107.1 108.5 1001.6 616.8 712.2  
2010 9968 4455 15907 3.6 106.1 107.0 102.6 1062.6 659.7 730.6  
a) The effect of price differentials between urban and rural areas has not been removed in the calculation of the urban/rural consumption ratio. The 
    same applies to the table following.
b) Household consumption level refers to per capita household consumption on the basis of usual residents. The same applies to the table following.
c) Data of household consumption have not been adjusted uniformly after the Sixth National Population Census.