1-6  Main Indicators of National Economic and Social Development by Eastern,Central, Western and Northeastern Provinces (2010)
Item National Eastern Provinces Central Provinces Western Provinces Northeastern Provinces
Absolute As Percentage Absolute As Percentage Absolute As Percentage Absolute As Percentage
Total Figures of National Total Figures of National Total Figures of National Total Figures of National Total
Natural Resources                                                           
  Area of Land                                        (10 000 sq.km) 960.0 91.6 9.5 102.8 10.7 686.7 71.5 78.8 8.2
  Population at Year-end                      (10 000 persons) 134091.0 50663.7 38.0 35696.6 26.8 36069.3 27.0 10954.9 8.2
  Number of Employed Persons in Urban Area (10 000 persons) 34687.0 11443.1 48.5 4847.6 20.5 5000.8 21.2 2298.4 9.7
  Registered Unemployment Rate in Urban Area     (%) 4.1 3.2 3.8 3.8 3.9
National Accounting                                                      
  Gross Domestic Product                 (100 million yuan) 401202.0 232030.7 53.1 86109.4 19.7 81408.5 18.6 37493.5 8.6
    Primary Industry                                                          40533.6 14626.3 36.1 11221.1 27.7 10701.3 26.4 3984.1 9.8
    Secondary Industry                                                      187581.4 114553.3 52.1 45130.3 20.5 40693.9 18.5 19687.2 8.9
      Industry                                                                      160867.0 102307.6 52.9 39334.7 20.3 34348.7 17.8 17326.9 9.0
    Tertiary Industry                                                          173087.0 102851.0 58.3 29758.0 16.9 30013.3 17.0 13822.1 7.8
  Per Capita Gross Domestic Product                   (yuan) 29992 46354 24242 22476 34303
Investment in Fixed Assets                                            
  Total Investment in Fixed Assets    (100 million yuan) 278121.9 115854.0 42.7 62890.5 23.2 61892.2 22.8 30726.0 11.3
    Real Estate Development                                             48259.4 24533.9 50.8 8752.3 18.1 9743.3 20.2 5229.9 10.8
Domestic Trade                                                                       
  Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods (100 million yuan) 156998.4 83904.5 53.4 31329.7 20.0 27332.4 17.4 14431.8 9.2
Foreign Trade                                                                  
 Total Value of Imports and Exports(100 million USD) 29740.0 26056.5 87.6 1168.9 3.9 1283.9 4.3 1230.7 4.1
    Exports                                                                         15777.5 13784.3 87.4 634.6 4.0 720.1 4.6 638.6 4.0
    Imports                                                                         13962.4 12272.3 87.9 534.3 3.8 563.7 4.0 592.2 4.2
Government Finance                                                      
  Local Governments Revenue          (100 million yuan) 40613.0 23005.4 56.6 6371.4 15.7 7873.4 19.4 3362.8 8.3
  Local Governments Expenditure    (100 million yuan) 73884.4 30182.2 40.9 15062.3 20.4 21403.6 29.0 7236.3 9.8
Price Indices                                                                    
  Consumer Price Index                (preceding year=100) 103.3 103.4 103.1 103.6 103.5
  Output of Major Farm Products              (10 000 tons)  
    Grain                                                                            54647.7 13869.9 25.4 16720.7 30.6 14436.4 26.4 9620.7 17.6
    Cotton                                                                          596.1 165.0 27.7 166.2 27.9 264.2 44.3 0.6 0.1
    Oil-bearing Crops                                                        3230.1 802.7 24.8 1400.6 43.4 829.3 25.7 197.6 6.1
  Output of Major Industrial Products                                       
    Crude Oil                                                       (10 000 tons) 20301.4 8219.1 40.5 584.4 2.9 5840.7 28.8 5657.2 27.9
    Cement                                                          (10 000 tons) 188191.2 76027.3 40.4 47314.1 25.1 53391.7 28.4 11458.0 6.1
    Crude Steel                                                    (10 000 tons) 63723.0 34631.9 54.3 13698.8 21.5 8359.4 13.1 7032.9 11.0
    Electricity                                              (100 million kwh) 42071.6 17443.6 41.5 9720.4 23.1 12230.6 29.1 2677.1 6.4
  Length of Railways in Operation                                  (km) 91178 20351 22.3 20774 22.8 35965 39.4 14088 15.5
  Length of Highways                                                      (km) 4008229 995002 24.8 1100921 27.5 1568378 39.1 343927 8.6
    Expressways                                                                        74113 26544 35.8 20055 27.1 21252 28.7 6263 8.5
  Total Passenger-kilometer             (100 million person-km) 27894.3 9316.5 39.1 7010.9 29.4 5643.8 23.7 1884.0 7.9
  Total Freight Ton-kilometer               (100 million ton-km) 141837.4 72153.4 55.3 25939.5 19.9 20280.5 15.5 12137.4 9.3
Postal and Telecommunication Services                              
  Total Business Revenue                          (100 million yuan) 31978.5 16671.2 52.1 5885.9 18.4 6890.9 21.5 2530.4 7.9
  Regular Institutions of Higher Education                               
    Number of Institutions                                               (unit) 2358 934 39.6 613 26.0 564 23.9 247 10.5
    New Student Enrollment                         (10 000 persons) 661.8 262.8 39.7 186.4 28.2 153.4 23.2 59.1 8.9
    Student Enrollment                                  (10 000 persons) 2231.8 902.8 40.5 611.9 27.4 502.7 22.5 214.4 9.6
    Number of Graduates                              (10 000 persons) 575.4 237.0 41.2 161.4 28.0 123.4 21.5 53.6 9.3
Health Care                                                                              
  Number of Health Care Institutions                             (unit) 936927 304501 32.5 267532 28.6 288631 30.8 76263 8.1
     Hospitals and Health Centers                                             59683 16507 27.7 15314 25.7 22778 38.2 5084 8.5
  Medical Technical Personnel                     (10 000 persons) 587.6 237.4 40.5 146.1 24.9 146.8 25.0 56.3 9.6
    Licensed (Assistant) Doctors                                               241.3 96.4 40.0 60.1 24.9 60.9 25.2 23.9 9.9
  Number of Hospital Beds                               (10 000 beds) 478.7 177.1 37.0 123.0 25.7 130.6 27.3 47.9 10.0
     Hospitals and Health Centers                                             440.2 161.8 36.8 112.9 25.7 121.8 27.7 43.7 9.9
People's Living Conditions                                                     
  Per Capita Disposable Income of Urban Households(yuan) 19109 23273 15962 15806 15941
  Per Capita Net Income of Rural Households             (yuan) 5919 8143 5510 4418 6434
a) As the sum of some indicators by region is different from the national total, while calculating the percentage of eastern, central, western and 
    northeastern provinces to all country, the denominator is the sum of 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.