24-25 Consumer Price Index (April/2008 - March/2009=100)
Items Weight 2005r 2006r 2007r 2008r 2009
  Composite Consumer Price Index
  Global Index 100.00 83.13 87.41 92.28 100.23 101.40
       Food and Non-alcoholic Beverages 32.78 73.90 76.64 82.92 97.19 102.57
       Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco 1.12 93.49 96.81 97.55 99.34 109.08
       Clothing and Footwear 6.75 91.97 87.63 88.73 95.04 104.07
       Housing and Fuels 22.82 74.81 83.61 91.59 99.05 97.80
       Household Goods and Furnishings 3.13 93.41 94.63 96.40 99.26 101.44
       Health 2.90 82.83 84.28 86.65 98.68 102.08
       Transport  7.88 90.57 93.72 96.22 102.82 96.87
       Communications 3.52 110.70 107.77 104.48 97.32 95.64
       Recreation and Culture 5.93 88.70 89.07 91.04 97.41 100.55
       Education 5.16 112.09 121.22 123.58 119.84 107.21
       Miscellaneous Goods and Services 8.02 88.36 90.95 94.30 99.78 104.22
  Consumer Price Index (A)
  Global Index 100.00 82.38 87.12 92.27 100.65 101.45
       Food and Non-alcoholic Beverages 36.94 72.88 75.58 81.94 97.11 102.60
       Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco 1.44 93.15 96.56 97.34 98.76 109.23
       Clothing and Footwear 4.82 92.65 88.01 88.86 95.41 104.17
       Housing and Fuels 27.22 77.18 85.81 93.27 100.11 98.11
       Household Goods and Furnishings 2.19 89.51 90.78 93.07 98.41 101.93
       Health 2.71 81.62 83.26 85.84 99.09 102.76
       Transport  5.78 91.72 94.68 96.92 102.92 95.65
       Communications 4.22 109.88 106.76 103.39 97.02 95.64
       Recreation and Culture 4.71 88.87 90.03 91.98 97.04 100.53
       Education 4.00 110.43 120.71 123.59 119.91 107.13
       Miscellaneous Goods and Services 5.96 87.10 89.33 92.89 98.54 103.17
  Consumer Price Index (B)
  Global Index 100.00 83.41 87.52 92.33 100.12 101.37
       Food and Non-alcoholic Beverages 32.59 74.27 77.06 83.33 97.22 102.58
       Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco 1.06 92.93 96.26 96.99 98.67 108.60
       Clothing and Footwear 7.63 91.49 87.36 89.02 94.89 103.87
       Housing and Fuels 20.76 75.58 84.43 92.25 99.28 97.82
       Household Goods and Furnishings 3.60 92.16 93.42 95.38 98.83 101.24
       Health 2.91 82.62 84.22 86.86 98.09 101.68
       Transport  8.04 90.18 93.83 96.40 103.65 96.17
       Communications 3.32 111.63 108.75 104.94 97.38 95.50
       Recreation and Culture 6.45 89.78 89.93 91.76 97.90 100.88
       Education 5.03 110.65 118.61 120.96 117.68 106.04
       Miscellaneous Goods and Services 8.60 87.81 90.44 93.97 99.69 104.17