24-1 Summary of Key Statistics
Items 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Population and Vital Statistics     
     Mid-year Population Estimate           (10 000 persons) 47.3 49.9 52.6 55.2 54.4
     Crude Birth Rate                                                   (‰) 7.8 8.1 8.6 8.5 8.8
     Crude Death Rate                                                  (‰) 3.4 3.1 2.9 3.2 3.1
     Infant Mortality Rate                                             (‰)                                                            3.3 2.7 2.4 3.2 2.1
      (per 1000 registered live births)
Labour, Employment                                                               
     Labour Force                                 (10 000 persons) 24.8 27.5 31.0 33.3 32.9
     Labour Force Participation Rate                            (%) 63.4 65.9 69.2 70.6 72.0
     Unemployment Rate                                              (%) 4.1 3.8 3.1 3.0 3.6
     Underemployment Rate                                         (%) 1.4 1.0 1.0 1.6 1.9
     Employed Population                        (10 000 persons) 23.7 26.5 30.0 32.3 31.8
         Construction 2.3 3.1 3.9 3.8 3.3
         Wholesale and Retail Trade                     3.5 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.1
         Hotels and Restaurants and Similar Activities                                            2.5 3.0 3.5 4.1 4.4
         Other Community, Social and Personal Services                         4.1 5.3 6.9 7.9 7.5
External Merchandise Trade                                         
     Exports                                          (100 million MOP) 198 205 204 160 77
          Domestic Exports                    (100 million MOP) 144 144 135 96 30
          Re-exports                                (100 million MOP) 55 61 69 64 47
     Imports                                          (100 million MOP) 313 365 431 430 369
     Terms of Trade (2006=100) 103.0 100.0 96.2 93.5 93.7
Industrial Production                                                      
     Electricity Consumption                 (100 million kwh) 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.1 1.6
Construction (Private Sector)
     Units Completed and Extended                          (No.)
                                                                                           1277 3026 2051 1177 3251
     Gross Floor Area of Buildings Completed                  
        and Extended                                      (10 000 sq.m) 39 128 193 58 141
     Units Started                                                       (No.) 4947 3871 4390 2046 1547
     Gross Floor Area of                                                     
        Buildings Started                                (10 000 sq.m) 213 99 220 53 23
     Number of Units Sold                                         (No.) 33644 26400 32250 21516 17310
     Deed of Real Estate Transacted                          (No.) 20022 13593 14558 9712 9111
     Real Estate Mortgage Loans                               (No.) 14769 9156 13250 11847 8965
Transport, Communications, Tourism                         
     Lorries Entering and Departing Macao(10 000 times) 60.8 66.5 67.4 56.4 40.3
     Ferry Trips Entering and Departing Macao 9.2 9.6 10.5 10.5 13.2
                                                                 (10 000 times)
     Commercial Flights at Macao International Airport     4.3 4.8 4.9 4.6 3.7
                                                                (10 000 times)
     Licensed Vehicles                               (10 000 units) 15.4 16.4 17.6 18.3r 18.9
     Telephone Lines                                  (10 000 units) 70.7 81.3 97.2 110.9 120.9
     Visitors Arrival                   (10 000 person-times) 1871 2200 2699 2293 2175
     Occupancy Rate of Hotel Sector                          (%) 71 72 77 74r 71
Government Accounts, Money and                              
   Finance                                        (100 million MOP)
    Total Government Revenue                                       282 372 537r 623r 699
    Total Government Expenditure                                 212 273 233 304r 354
    Money Supply (M2)
        MOP                                                                     367 453 510 541 597
        HKD                                                                          701 910 1015 992 1138
        Other Currencies                                                        288 326 331 365 387
        Total                                                                           1357 1689 1855 1898 2122
     Domestic Loans/Advances to the Private Sector          425 488 683 889 972
Consumer Price Index                                                  
    (April/2008 - March/2009=100)
    Composite Consumer Price Index                               83.1r 87.4r 92.3r 100.2r 101.4
    Consumer Price Index (A) 82.4r 87.1r 92.3r 100.7r 101.5
    Consumer Price Index (B) 83.4r 87.5r 92.3r 100.1r 101.4
Housing (End-period number)
    Public Housing                                            (No.) 6936 6637 6681 6253 7165
    Student of Pre-primary Education                 (person) 10216 9453 9149 9270
    Student of Primary Education                       (person) 35187 32674 29995r 27481
    Student of Secondary Education                    (person) 45995 44988 41124r 39463
    Student of Higher Education                         (person) 15927 17462 18743 20917
    Doctors                                                         (person) 1105 1235 1323 1373 1415
    Nurses                                                          (person) 1134 1212 1335 1415 1491
    Hospital Beds                                                   (unit)  984 980 1014 1030 1109
Social Security                                                              
    Beneficiaries                                                 (person) 181117 204002 228125 250476 259280
    Contributors                                                     (unit)               12305 13760 15278 17175 34260
    Number of Payments Granted             (10 000 times) 23.9 24.0 23.7 40.8 45.4
    Amount of Payments Granted             (10 000 MOP) 28556 26672 31753 43616 66815
    Number of Crimes                                            (No.)                      10538 10855 12921 13864 12406
    Number of Prisoners                     (end-year, person) 897 859 812 912 930
Gross Domestic Product  (GDP)          
   At Constant (2002) Prices                                           
      Expenditure-based GDP Real Growth Rate       (%) 6.9 16.5 26.0r 12.9r 1.3
      GDP                                           (100 million MOP) 851.9 992.4 1250.3r 1412.2r 1430.9
      GDP per Capita                                 (10 000 MOP) 17.9 19.9 23.8r 25.7r 26.3
   At Current Prices                                                         
       Expenditure-based GDP Nominal Growth Rate(%) 12.1 23.3 32.1r 15.5r -2.4
       GDP                                          (100 million MOP) 921.9 1137.1 1502.1r 1735.5r 1693.4
       GDP per Capita                                (10 000 MOP) 19.4 22.8 28.6r 31.6r 31.1
Notes:Lower age boundary in defining labour force is revised from 14 years old to 16 years old starting 2009.
           Starting from 2008, visitor arrivals exclude arrivals of non-resident workers, students, etc..
           Due to changes in the compilation method and concept of public accounts, data on revenue  and expenditure,  as well as booking of the 
              accounts for 2007 were different and incomparable with those of the previous years.  Figures of 2009 are subject to  revisions as more
              data become available.
          Excluding units that had been sold.
          Excluding students in special education. The number of students of year n refer to the students at the end of academic year n/n+1.