23-52 Student Enrolment by Type of Educational and Training Institution
Type 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
  Kindergarten 149141 140783 138393 137630 140502
  Primary School 425864 410516 385949 365056 344748
  Secondary School 483450 489498* 492410* 489362* 481188
      Day School 478440 480775 482414 478173 469466
           Lower Secondary 254879 255992 253311 246514 238026
           Upper Secondary 161901 161461 165376 167746 166421
           Secondary 6 and Secondary 7 61660 63322 63727 63913 65019
      Other Secondary Day Course - 3971 5047 5637 6872
      Evening School 5010 4752 4949 5552 4850
  Special Education 7734 7737 7834 7969 8075
      Special School 7697 7720 7818 7954 8026
      Special Classes in Ordinary School 37 17 16 15 49
  Special child care centre - - - 1598 1465
  Correctional / residential home - - - 70 67
  Correctional institutions - - - 441 398
  Approved Post-secondary Colleges   (full-time) 4069 1381 1600 1744* 1977
  Other Colleges 7146 7946 9054 7588* 8093
      Day Course 5252 5949 6261 5834* 6656
      Evening Course
1997 2793 1754* 1437
  University 91786 91564 171580 182499* 168019
      Full-time 81829 83772
94402* 104080
         Certificate / Diploma - - 2275 2108* 3488
          Sub-degree 26429 26512 24946 25238* 26992
          Undergraduate 49159 50787 54575 56567* 59120
          Taught Postgraduate 1458 1411 6395 5110* 6646
          Research Postgraduate 4783 5062 5229 5379* 7834
      Part-time 9957 7792 78160 88097* 63939
         Certificate / Diploma - - 28107 35135* 24160
          Sub-degree 2630 2116 3950 6261* 3225
          Undergraduate 2466 1765 16990 19882* 11508
          Taught Postgraduate 4170 3257 28471 26239* 24474
          Research Postgraduate 691 654 642 580* 572
  Hong Kong Shue Yan University - 3335 4068 4842* 5435
      Full-time - 3335 3728 4295* 4701
      Part-time - - 340 547* 734
  The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 752 741 851 870 901
      Full-time 752 736 783 791 811
          Non-degree 418 388 369 376 340
          Degree 334 348 414 415 471
      Part-time - 5 68 79 90
          Non-degree - - 60 55 58
          Degree - 5 8 24 32
  The Open University of Hong Kong 27598* 24523* 25147* 20340* 21339
          Full-time 1342* 2201* 3098* 3458* 4120
          Distance Learning/Part-time Face-to-face 26256* 22322* 22049* 16882* 17219
 Vocational Training Council 61662 60254 62289 62482* 64640
      Full-time 40173 42057 45089 46287* 48640
          Craft Level Courses 4210 3308 2564 2119* 2100
          Technician Level Courses 10419 9468 9220 9166* 10720
          Higher Technician Level Courses 25544 29281 33305 35002 35820
      Part-time 21489 18197 17200 16195 16000
          Craft Level Courses 3466 3210 3222 3148 3030
          Technician Level Courses 9977 7708 5208 3574 2840
          Higher Technician Level Courses 8046 7279 8770 9473 10130
  Construction Industry Council Training Academy
      Full-time 966 932 811 750 756
          Craft Level Courses 719 693 564 491 455
          Technician Level Courses 247 239 247 259 301
  Clothing Industry Training Authority 913 961 460 260 222
      Full-time 552 555 397 232 198
          Craft Level Courses 51 57 17 - -
          Technician Level Courses 501 498 380 232 198
      Part-time 361 406 63 28 24
          Craft Level Courses 361 406 63 28 24
  Hospital Authority
      Full-time 302 411 523 735 1530
  The Prince Philip Dental Hospital 88 80 92 90 98
      Full-time 88 76 87 86 95
      Part-time - 4 5 4 3
  Project Yi Jin 5936 9360 11101 12235 16732
      Full-time 4147 6462 7994 8217 12232
      Part-time 1789 2898 3107 4018 4500
  Institutes Offering Adult Education/ 234676 233615* 215794* 225911* 273640
    Tutorial/Vocational Courses
      Day School 108722 95872* 86070* 84646* 86401
      Day cum Evening School 43964 47060* 61644* 84497* 109818
      Evening School 81990 90683 68080 56768 77421
  Non-local Higher and Professional 37180 33873* 34673* 35494* 34676
   Education Courses
Notes:  Figures for kindergarten, primary, secondary, special schools, special child care centre, correctional/residential home and correctional 
            institutions are as at September of the respective years.  Figures for “Institutes offering adult education/tutorial/vocational courses” are
             as at October of the respective years.  For vocational and post-secondary education, beginning and ending months of academic year 
            vary among educational and training institutions.
            Figures for vocational and post-secondary education for 2009 are provisional.
           Figures refer to number of students attending secondary day courses operated by private institutes offering adult 
               education/tutorial/vocational courses.  
           Special training and care for moderately and severely disabled children aged 2-6.
           Residential treatment service for mal-adjusted children/juveniles and young offenders through social work intervention
           Other colleges refer to private schools which provide post-secondary courses, such as Hong Kong Adventist College, Hong Kong Tak Ming 
               College, Hong Kong College of Technology and Hang Seng School of Commerce, etc.
           Refers to City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Lingnan University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 
               The Hong Kong Institute of Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
               and The University of Hong Kong. Starting from 2007, figures also include all students attending self-financing programmes. 
           Figures include students in certificate, advanced certificate, professional certificate, diploma, advanced diploma and professional diploma courses.
           Figures refer to nurse training programmes.
           Figures refer to dental training programmes.
           Figures include students attending non-local registered or exempted courses leading to non-local higher academic qualifications and 
                jointly operated with non-local institutions.