23-51 Educational Attainment of Population Aged 15 and Above
Item 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Number (Percent) Number (Percent) Number (Percent) Number (Percent) Number (Percent)
of of of of of
Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons
(10 000 (10 000 (10 000 (10 000 (10 000
persons) persons) persons) persons) persons)
      Male 274.41 47.31 274.96 47.15 277.95 46.88 279.61 46.65 282.82 46.70
      Female 305.66 52.69 308.26 52.85 314.89 53.12 319.77 53.35 322.84 53.30
  No Schooling
      Male 8.43 1.45 7.65 1.31 7.27 1.23 7.28 1.21 7.36 1.21
      Female 28.79 4.96 26.46 4.54 25.51 4.30 25.45 4.25 24.41 4.03
      Male 51.01 8.79 48.93 8.39 48.11 8.11 48.43 8.08 47.39 7.83
      Female 60.79 10.48 59.74 10.24 60.03 10.13 60.89 10.16 59.83 9.88
  Lower Secondary
      Male 50.49 8.70 51.01 8.75 50.30 8.49 50.23 8.38 50.28 8.30
      Female 43.58 7.51 44.99 7.71 46.93 7.92 46.26 7.72 47.43 7.83
  Upper Secondary
      Male 95.75 16.51 96.30 16.51 98.02 16.53 98.85 16.49 100.14 16.53
      Female 108.86 18.77 109.26 18.73 112.38 18.96 114.97 19.18 117.20 19.35
      Non-degree Courses
          Male 22.38 3.86 23.07 3.95 24.25 4.09 24.15 4.03 23.92 3.95
          Female 22.21 3.83 23.74 4.07 23.99 4.05 24.84 4.14 24.07 3.97
      Degree Courses
          Male 46.35 7.99 48.00 8.23 50.00 8.43 50.68 8.45 53.72 8.87
          Female 41.43 7.14 44.07 7.56 46.06 7.77 47.35 7.90 49.91 8.24
Notes: Figures are compiled based on data collected in the General Household Survey from January to December of the year concerned
          as well as the mid-year population estimates by District Council district compiled jointly by the Census and Statistics Department
          and an inter-departmental Working Group on Population Distribution Projections.
            Including all classes in kindergartens and child care centres.
          Including all higher diplomas, professional diplomas and other post-secondary programmes of equivalent standards in
                tertiary educational institutions within or outside Hong Kong.
          Including all first degree, taught postgraduate and research postgraduate courses in tertiary educational institutions within or outside Hong Kong.