23-45 Consumer Price Indices (Oct. 2004 - Sep. 2005=100)
Item Weight 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
  Composite Consumer Price Index         
      All Items 100.00 100.3 102.4 104.4 108.9 109.5
      Food 26.94 100.4 102.1 106.5 117.3 118.8
          Meals Bought away from Home (16.86) 100.3 101.6 104.2 110.4 112.1
          Food(Excluding Meals Bought away from Home) (10.08) 100.5 103.0 110.3 128.8 130.0
      Housing① 29.17 100.7 105.4 107.5 111.9 116.0
          Private Housing Rent (23.93) 100.8 106.4 110.7 118.2 122.5
          Public Housing Rent (2.49) 100.0 100.1 82.4 60.0 65.7
      Electricity, Gas and Water 3.59 101.0 103.1 102.4 95.7 71.5
      Alcoholic Drinks and Tobacco 0.87 100.1 96.4 95.2 95.3 113.2
      Clothing and Footwear 3.91 100.0 101.0 105.2 106.1 108.9
      Durable Goods 5.50 98.3 92.0 87.7 85.9 83.3
      Miscellaneous Goods 4.78 100.0 101.6 104.2 109.4 111.9
      Transport 9.09 100.4 101.1 100.9 103.5 102.6
      Miscellaneous Services② 16.15 100.3 102.2 103.9 104.7 102.6
          Educational Services (4.47) 100.4 102.3 102.3 98.1 94.5
          Telephone and Other Communications Services (3.27) 99.1 99.1 97.7 95.3 93.0
          Medical Services (2.57) 100.1 100.9 101.9 106.4 109.0
  Consumer Price Index (A)         
      All Items 100.00 100.3 102.1 103.4 107.1 107.4
      Food 32.1 100.4 102.2 106.9 119.1 120.6
          Meals Bought away from Home (18.63) 100.3 101.4 103.7 110.0 111.8
          Food(Excluding Meals Bought away from Home) (13.47) 100.6 103.3 111.2 131.5 132.7
      Housing① 30.54 100.6 104.4 103.8 103.7 107.4
          Private Housing Rent (22.07) 100.8 106.0 110.1 116.2 119.7
          Public Housing Rent (6.18) 100.0 100.1 82.4 60.0 65.7
      Electricity, Gas and Water 4.84 101.0 102.9 102.0 93.7 65.5
      Alcoholic Drinks and Tobacco 1.35 100.0 95.6 95.2 95.9 116.6
      Clothing and Footwear 2.81 100.1 102.0 104.7 107.3 110.5
      Durable Goods 4.01 98.0 91.0 86.5 84.4 81.7
      Miscellaneous Goods 4.68 99.8 100.8 103.6 109.4 112.2
      Transport 8.07 100.4 101.0 101.0 102.2 102.9
      Miscellaneous Services② 11.60 100.0 101.0 101.2 99.8 96.9
          Educational Services (3.15) 100.5 102.5 101.5 92.6 84.5
          Telephone and Other Communications Services (4.21) 99.1 98.8 97.3 94.9 92.5
          Medical Services (1.84) 100.1 100.7 101.4 105.4 107.6
  Consumer Price Index (B)         
      All Items 100.00 100.4 102.4 104.7 109.5 110.0
      Food 27.32 100.4 102.1 106.1 116.5 118.0
          Meals Bought away from Home (17.65) 100.4 101.6 103.9 110.2 111.9
          Food(Excluding Meals Bought away from Home) (9.67) 100.5 102.9 110.1 128.1 129.3
      Housing① 27.7 100.8 106.0 109.1 114.4 118.7
          Private Housing Rent (23.89) 100.9 106.9 111.3 118.7 123.2
          Public Housing Rent (1.25) 100.0 100.1 82.4 60.1 65.8
      Electricity, Gas and Water 3.37 101.0 103.2 102.3 96.2 73.5
      Alcoholic Drinks and Tobacco 0.79 100.2 96.8 95.0 94.7 110.8
      Clothing and Footwear 4.28 100.1 101.7 104.5 106.6 109.5
      Durable Goods 5.67 98.0 90.7 85.9 83.7 80.6
      Miscellaneous Goods 4.76 100.0 101.5 104.0 109.3 111.9
      Transport 9.05 100.4 101.2 101.2 103.6 102.8
      Miscellaneous Services② 17.06 100.3 102.5 104.4 105.7 103.7
          Educational Services (4.96) 100.4 102.1 102.4 98.7 94.8
          Telephone and Other Communications Services (3.21) 99.1 99.1 97.8 95.4 92.9
          Medical Services (2.92) 100.1 100.9 101.8 106.3 109.2
  Consumer Price Index (C)         
      All Items 100.00 100.3 102.6 105.3 110.2 110.9
      Food 20.41 100.2 102.0 106.5 115.4 116.9
          Meals Bought away from Home (13.74) 100.1 102.0 105.5 111.1 112.8
          Food(Excluding Meals Bought away from Home) (6.67) 100.3 102.1 108.6 124.3 125.4
      Housing① 29.66 100.7 105.8 109.8 118.2 122.5
          Private Housing Rent (26.11) 100.8 106.2 110.5 119.6 124.3
      Electricity, Gas and Water 2.45 101.0 103.5 103.1 99.5 81.4
      Alcoholic Drinks and Tobacco 0.42 100.2 98.0 95.8 94.6 107.1
      Clothing and Footwear 4.67 99.9 99.5 106.6 104.4 106.9
      Durable Goods 6.99 98.7 94.0 90.4 89.3 87.3
      Miscellaneous Goods 4.91 100.2 102.7 105.0 109.7 111.6
      Transport 10.35 100.3 101.0 100.6 104.3 101.9
      Miscellaneous Services② 20.14 100.5 102.8 105.2 106.8 105.0
          Educational Services (5.33) 100.5 102.4 102.8 101.1 101.0
          Telephone and Other Communications Services (2.27) 99.0 99.5 98.6 96.2 94.1
          Medical Services (2.90) 100.2 101.1 102.2 107.3 109.8
Notes : The CPIs from October 2004 onwards are compiled based on expenditure weights obtained from the 2004/05 Household Expenditure 
            Survey.  The CPIs for earlier periods are compiled based on old weights and have been re-scaled to the new base period for linking with 
            the new index series.
           Apart from "Private Housing Rent" and "Public Housing Rent", the "Housing" section also includes "Management Fees and Other Housing  
               Charges" and "Materials for House Maintenance".  For CPI(C), the "Housing" section does not include "Public Housing Rent".
           "Miscellaneous Services" section includes "Educational Services", "Telephone and Other Communications Services", "Medical Services" 
                and other miscellaneous services.