23-15 Gross National Product |
(HKD 100 million, unless otherwise specified) |
Item |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009@ |
In Chained (2008) dollars① |
14403 |
15415 |
16398 |
16753@ |
16291 |
Net External
Factor Income Flows |
12 |
282 |
456 |
833 |
495 |
14425 |
15700 |
16859 |
17586@ |
16785 |
Per Capita GDP
(HKD) |
211405 |
224796 |
236767 |
240096@ |
232599 |
Per Capita GNP
(HKD) |
211718 |
228958 |
243424 |
252034@ |
239662 |
At Current Market Prices |
13826 |
14754 |
16155 |
16753@ |
16323 |
Net External
Factor Income Flows |
16 |
273 |
444 |
833 |
494 |
13842 |
15027 |
16599 |
17586@ |
16817 |
Per Capita GDP
(HKD) |
202928 |
215158 |
233248 |
240096@ |
233060 |
Per Capita GNP
(HKD) |
203170 |
219146 |
239664 |
252034@ |
240113 |
Note : ①The chain volume measures
of GDP, Net External Factor Income Flows and GNP have been re-referenced from
2007 to 2008. |
A technical feature of the chain volume measures was that for earlier
years, the sum of net external factor income flows and |
GDP might not be equal to GNP. |