23-12 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Economic Activity at Current Prices
(HKD 100 million, unless otherwise specified)
Economic Activity 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008@
Agriculture and Fishing 8.86 8.47 8.49 8.95 8.24
Industry 1246.29 1241.09 1249.05 1192.60 1251.49
   Mining and Quarrying 0.72 1.00 0.93 1.14 0.96
   Manufacturing 444.55 455.47 457.61 393.19 387.10
   Electricity, Gas and Water 397.26 399.24 403.64 396.73 384.21
   Construction 403.76 385.38 386.88 401.53 479.22
Services 11193.04 12078.73 12975.45 14318.15 14419.08
   Wholesale, Retail and Import and Export 3450.92 3867.26 3972.52 4173.39 4424.54
     Trades, Restaurants and Hotels
   Transport, Storage and Communications 1268.20 1351.19 1371.66 1417.49 1206.47
   Financing, Insurance, Real Estate and 2668.55 2942.60 3563.71 4509.89 4183.89
     Business Services
   Community, Social and Personal Services 2576.30 2533.12 2563.47 2651.08 2798.81
   Ownership of Premises 1229.06 1384.55 1504.08 1566.31 1805.37
GDP at Factor Cost 12448.19 13328.30 14232.99 15519.70 15678.80
Taxes on Production and Imports 587.29 628.91 710.71 939.81 848.89
Statistical Discrepancy① -0.9% -0.9% -1.3% -1.9% 1.3%
GDP at Current Market Prices 12919.23 13825.90 14753.57 16154.55 16753.15
 Notes: Statistical discrepancy refers to the difference in values of GDP compiled using the expenditure and production approaches, as a result  
                 of the adoption of different data sources and estimation methods. It is expressed as a percentage to GDP at current market prices.