22-19 Appeals Handled by People's Procuratorate(2009)
Category of Cases        
Cases Cases Registered Cases Original
Accepted for Reinves- Settled Decision
  tigation   Changed
  Total 6423 3570 3465 410
  Appeals against Decision of Procuratorate's Offices 3033 1980 1910 378
     Appeals against Rejection of Arrest 569 371 362 30
     Appeals against Rejection of Prosecuting 1426 1071 1014 103
     Appeals against Withdrawal of the Case 51 26 29 7
     Appeals against Original Exemption of Lawsuit 75 57 43 9
     Others 912 455 462 229
  Appeals against Judgment of Criminal Case 3390 1590 1555 32
     Appeals of the Victim at the Punishment 1022 480 445 4
     Appeals of the Defendant at the Punishment 1233 581 589 21
     Appeals of the Victim after the Punishment 297 128 124 1
     Appeals of the Defendant after the Punishment 838 401 397 6