21-34 Number of Village Clinics and Employed Personnel 
  Village Village Percentage of Licensed  Registered  Village Doctors Number of
  Clinics   Villages with (Assistant) Nurses and Village Village Doctors
Year (unit) (unit) Clinics to  Doctors (person) Associates and Associates
Region     Total Villages (person)   (person) per 1000
      (%)       Rural 
1980 1463406 1.79
1985 777674 940617 87.4 1293094 1.55
1990 803956 743278 86.2 1231510 1.38
1995 804352 740150 88.9 1331017 1.48
1996 1316095 1.46
1997 1317786 1.45
1998 1327633 1.46
1999 1324937 1.45
2000 709458 734715 89.8 1319357 1.44
2001 1290595 1.41
2003 867778 0.98
2004 551600 652718 80.7 93075 883075 1.00
2005 583209 629079 85.8 103863 916532 1.05
2006 609128 624428 88.1 104210 957459 1.10
2007 613855 612712 88.7 110011 15565 931761 1.06
2008 613143 604285 89.4 119646 24794 938313 1.06
2009 632770 599127 90.4 178555 24159 1050991 1.19
Beijing 3114 3950 78.8 606 173 3670 1.34
Tianjin 1616 3821 42.3 471 28 3949 1.03
Hebei 66389 49035 100.0 13254 742 82418 1.66
Shanxi 28113 28135 99.9 6017 972 42270 1.81
Inner Mongolia 14719 11282 100.0 18050 690 20428 1.40
Liaoning 20463 11100 100.0 4068 780 26354 1.25
Jilin 8978 9121 98.4 2523 247 14513 0.97
Heilongjiang 13147 9055 100.0 4176 224 24360 1.22
Shanghai 1447 1722 84.0 3658 44 1510 0.92
Jiangsu 17124 16393 100.0 4045 1187 56819 1.53
Zhejiang 13922 29958 46.5 8414 823 11336 0.35
Anhui 17788 15732 100.0 10963 1553 54845 1.04
Fujian 19632 14432 100.0 4236 473 28197 1.22
Jiangxi 26937 16880 100.0 4786 1277 43047 1.28
Shandong 48791 74844 65.2 12375 3007 122194 2.07
Henan 63565 47346 100.0 16659 3401 124322 1.49
Hubei 22405 25576 87.6 6414 1118 38617 1.14
Hunan 40826 42928 95.1 7959 602 45959 0.84
Guangdong 28076 19502 100.0 7637 2904 33929 0.85
Guangxi 21689 14361 100.0 4138 447 35318 0.83
Hainan 2396 2556 93.7 598 280 2598 0.48
Chongqing 9985 8803 100.0 3858 186 23663 1.02
Sichuan 51670 47987 100.0 15274 363 72809 1.09
Guizhou 18971 17568 100.0 2080 339 32450 0.85
Yunnan 13114 12953 100.0 1776 495 34652 0.93
Tibet 3635 5261 69.1 90 1 3878 1.63
Shaanxi 25292 27370 92.4 9499 517 35877 1.33
Gansu 15087 16149 93.4 1820 364 17781 0.88
Qinghai 4376 4161 100.0 949 73 6055 1.60
Ningxia 2547 2316 100.0 207 20 3538 0.89
Xinjiang 6956 8830 78.8 1955 829 7092 0.59
a) Village doctors before 1985 refer to barefoot doctors.