21-27 Statistics on Staff and Workers in Physical Education System (2009)
Item Total   Coaches Athletes Scientific Medical Teachers Administrative Logistics
  Sub- Under Waiting Sub- Trial Under Vocational Others and Technical Personnel   Personnel Workers
Civil total Recruit- for total   Train- Transition   Personnel        
Servants   ment Recruit-     ing Period            
Total 153398 18622 20852 20183 669 22753 1982 17572 1871 1328 1644 1785 12282 35875 21764
Administrative Agencies of Physical Culture and Sports 32786 18370 1388 1357 31 599 593 6 51 31 475 5910 3423
Sports Events Management  36943 32 4192 3947 245 18787 1820 13883 1841 1243 141 679 259 6633 3183
Colleges 5186 172 152 20 757 50 659 14 34 33 87 2237 742 416
Sports Technical Institutes  3757 268 245 23 697 5 692 37 145 1142 687 577
Physical Education and Sports Schools 15028 2 3288 3240 48 388 30 328 14 16 239 256 4518 3080 1931
Competitive Sports School  575 137 134 3 167 167 18 14 91 90 42
Spare-time Sports School 23695 16 10264 9994 270 805 63 742 128 248 3189 4794 2341
Physical Education and Sports Schools 362 108 108 35 35 3 32 103 61
Training Bases 3135 239 232 7 403 8 365 2 28 16 28 3 938 1255
Stadium and Gymnasium  16767 25 540 525 15 93 93 7 52 101 6866 6047
Science and Technology Institute 1269 805 144 204 51
Other Institutions 12134 161 256 249 7 22 6 15 1 166 94 193 5360 2172
Others 1761 16 3 4 42 468 265