21-18 Number of Books, Magazines and Newspapers Published in China
  Books Published Magazines Published Newspapers Published
      Printed Printed Number Average Total Printed Number Average Total Printed
Year Number New Copies Sheets of Printed Printed Sheets of Printed Printed Sheets
Region of Publi- (100 (100 Publi- Copies Copies   Publi- Copies Copies (100
Publi- cation million million cation per Issue (100 (100 cation per Issue (100 million
  cation   copies) sheets) (kind) (10 000 million million (kind) (10 000 million sheets)
  (kind)         copies) copies) sheets)   copies) copies)  
1978 14987 11888 37.7 135.4 930 6200 7.6 22.7 186 4280 127.8 113.5
1980 21621 17660 45.9 195.7 2191 10298 11.3 36.7 188 6236 140.4 141.7
1985 45603 33743 66.7 282.8 4705 23952 25.6 77.3 1445 19107 246.8 202.8
1990 80224 55245 56.4 232.1 5751 16156 17.9 48.1 1444 14670 211.3 182.8
1995 101381 59159 63.2 316.8 7583 19794 23.4 67.0 2089 17644 263.3 359.6
1996 112813 63647 71.6 360.5 7916 19300 23.1 68.1 2163 17877 274.3 392.4
1997 120106 66585 73.1 364.0 7918 20046 24.4 73.3 2149 18259 287.6 459.8
1998 130613 74719 72.4 373.6 7999 20928 25.4 79.9 2053 18211 300.4 540.0
1999 141831 83095 73.2 391.4 8187 21845 28.5 96.8 2038 18632 318.4 636.7
2000 143376 84235 62.7 376.2 8725 21544 29.4 100.0 2007 17914 329.3 799.8
2001 154526 91416 63.1 406.1 8889 20697 28.9 100.9 2111 18130 351.1 938.9
2002 170962 100693 68.7 456.4 9029 20406 29.5 106.4 2137 18721 367.8 1067.4
2003 190391 110812 66.7 462.2 9074 19909 29.5 109.1 2119 19072 383.1 1235.6
2004 208294 121597 64.1 465.6 9490 17208 28.3 110.5 1922 19522 402.4 1524.8
2005 222473 128578 64.7 493.3 9468 16286 27.6 125.3 1931 19549 412.6 1613.1
2006 233971 160757 64.1 512.0 9468 16435 28.5 136.9 1938 19703 424.5 1658.9
2007 248283 136226 62.9 486.5 9468 16697 30.4 157.9 1938 20545 438.0 1700.8
2008 274123 148978 70.6 561.1 9549 16767 31.0 158.0 1943 21155 442.9 1930.6
2009 301719 168296 70.4 565.5 9851 16457 31.5 166.2 1937 20837 439.1 1969.4
  Beijing 144211 84382 21.0 220.2 3030 5374 9.7 59.3 260 3232 71.6 232.5
  Tianjin 4105 2922 0.4 4.1 257 271 0.3 1.8 28 360 9.6 57.1
  Hebei 2095 1106 1.7 11.0 230 252 0.5 2.3 66 666 18.8 42.2
  Shanxi 2232 1430 1.1 8.3 201 185 0.4 2.0 60 2192 20.3 26.7
  Inner Mongolia 2400 1194 0.7 5.4 149 68 0.1 0.5 61 135 2.9 8.3
  Liaoning 8682 4322 1.7 12.6 326 530 0.9 3.7 75 899 17.6 83.8
  Jilin 9719 5016 1.8 15.8 236 427 0.9 4.5 52 626 8.0 39.5
  Heilongjiang 3408 2529 0.6 4.4 314 288 0.5 2.6 70 362 7.6 22.9
  Shanghai 18598 10386 2.7 24.3 633 1031 1.8 9.0 72 716 16.3 77.9
  Jiangsu 12768 7206 5.0 33.3 464 429 1.0 3.9 80 1118 26.1 113.1
  Zhejiang 7835 2974 3.1 20.5 221 479 0.7 2.7 70 1106 31.4 135.9
  Anhui 5560 1331 2.7 17.3 184 432 0.6 2.4 51 473 10.6 35.8
  Fujian 3261 2036 0.8 5.2 179 191 0.3 1.3 43 362 8.9 37.8
  Jiangxi 3667 1825 1.6 10.0 160 273 0.6 2.3 40 317 6.9 24.6
  Shandong 6904 3363 3.0 20.7 271 462 1.1 4.9 88 1063 29.6 158.4
  Henan 4727 2513 2.0 13.4 250 422 0.9 4.0 79 1753 21.2 66.8
  Hubei 8627 4477 2.3 16.6 423 1387 3.3 14.1 74 684 17.1 79.1
  Hunan 5938 3255 2.6 17.2 252 516 1.1 5.2 50 531 12.6 45.0
  Guangdong 5881 4137 2.3 17.5 387 984 2.3 13.3 100 1909 45.6 424.6
  Guangxi 7245 3673 2.6 16.7 185 197 0.4 1.8 55 288 6.7 24.1
  Hainan 1930 764 0.7 4.1 42 68 0.1 0.7 14 90 2.3 7.4
  Chongqing 3987 1940 1.3 9.1 139 269 0.5 3.6 26 268 5.7 34.8
  Sichuan 6717 3863 1.8 13.6 349 493 1.0 6.6 87 575 15.3 78.9
  Guizhou 943 500 0.9 5.7 89 93 0.1 0.9 31 144 3.6 13.1
  Yunnan 3541 2197 1.7 9.6 127 215 0.3 1.5 43 236 6.4 29.8
  Tibet 329 131 0.1 0.5 36 14 0.1 23 30 0.6 0.9
  Shaanxi 5779 2971 2.0 15.1 286 427 0.7 5.0 44 245 6.0 38.4
  Gansu 1704 1053 0.7 4.5 138 513 1.1 4.6 56 187 4.0 12.9
  Qinghai 453 262 0.1 0.8 48 19 0.1 25 41 0.9 2.6
  Ningxia 738 598 0.2 1.4 36 38 0.1 0.7 15 37 0.9 2.5
  Xinjiang 7735 3940 1.1 6.8 209 110 0.1 0.8 99 194 4.2 11.8
a) In this table, data in Beijing include central-level units.