21-10 Basic Statistics on Radio and Television Industry
Item 2007 2008 2009
Radio Coverage Rate of the Population                                              (%) 95.43 95.96 96.31
   Rural                                                                                                      (%) 94.12 94.74 95.10
Number of Radio Programs                                                                (set) 2433 2437 2521
   Public Radio                                                                                    (set) 2432 2436 2520
   Pay Radio                                                                                        (set) 1 1 1
Length of Radio Programs Produced                                 (10 000 hours) 633.3 649.4 671.7
Length of Public Radio Programs Broadcasted                 (10 000 hours) 1127.2 1163.0 1226.6
Number of International Radio Programs Broadcasted                      (set) 77 145 165
Length of  International Radio Programs Broadcasted      (10 000 hours) 46.15 50.84 100.31
TV Coverage Rate of Population                                                         (%) 96.58 96.95 97.23
   Rural                                                                                                 (%) 95.60 91.6 91.9
Number of Users of Cable Radio and TV                 (10 000 households) 15325 16398 17523
   Rural                                                                      (10 000 households) 6180 6558 6863
   Number of Users of Digital TV                             (10 000 households) 2686 4528 6322
Popularization Rate of Cable Radio and TV                                       (%) 39.90 41.63 43.99
   Rural                                                                                                 (%) 25.57 26.77 27.77
Number of TV Programs                                                                    (set) 3214 3288 3337
   Public TV                                                                                        (set) 3127 3199 3250
   Pay TV                                                                                             (set) 87 89 87
Length of TV Programs Produced                                     (10 000 hours) 255.33 264.19 265.36
Length of Public TV Programs Broadcasted                     (10 000 hours) 1454.70 1495.34 1577.68
Number of TV Plays Broadcasted                                        (10 000 sets) 22.57 22.57 23.83
Number of TV Plays Broadcasted                                      (10 000 parts) 534.97 550.43 605.09
   Imported TV Plays                                                                           (set) 10652 9251 9099
   Imported TV Plays                                                           (10 000 parts) 26.42 22.96 22.41
Number of Cartoons Broadcasted                                                      (set) 14015 15447 17544
Number of Cartoons Broadcasted                                       (10 000 parts) 51.34 51.85 60.18
   Imported Cartoons                                                                           (set) 1551 1419 1086
   Imported Cartoons                                                           (10 000 parts) 5.97 4.56 4.11
Number of International TV Programs Broadcasted                          (set) 34 33 40
Length of International TV Programs Broadcasted           (10 000 hours) 22.55 22.46 28.82
State-owned Movie Production Units                                               (unit) 38 38 38
Movie Circuit                                                                                    (line) 34 34 37
   Cinemas                                                                                         (unit) 1427 1545 1687
   Screen                                                                                            (unit) 3527 4097 4723
Revenue of Movies                                                      (100 million yuan) 67.26 84.33 106.65
   Domestic Movie Box Office Revenue                      (100 million yuan) 33.27 43.41 62.06
   Revenue of Movies Showed on TV                          (100 million yuan) 13.79 25.28 16.89
   Sales of Domestic-Produced Movies to Foreign Country (100 million yuan) 20.2 15.6 27.7
TV Technology and Others  
Revenue of Radio and TV                                           (100 million yuan) 1316.40 1583.91 1852.85
Staff and Workers of Radio and TV                               (10 000 persons) 64.53 67.17 70.58
Transmission and Relaying Stations of Medium  and Short Wave Broadcast(unit) 802 808 809
Relaying Stations of Frequency Modulation Broadcasting(10 000 units) 1.06 1.21 1.21
TV Transmission and Relaying Stations                             (10 000 units) 1.82 1.85 1.77
Microwave Stations                                                                          (unit) 2745 2674 2591