21-5 Basic Statistics on National Mass Art Centers and Cultural Centers(Stations) (2009)
  Provincial Prefec- County   Township  
Total Level ture (City) County (sub-district) Township
    Level Level Cultural Cultural Cultural
        Center Stations Stations
Institutions                                             (unit) 41959 31 330 2862 1643 38736 33378
Number of Exhibitions                          (unit) 110251 330 2169 15593 8495 92159 71395
Art Performances and Story-telling                 555052 976 16678 109580 49983 427818 300228
Sessions                                                 (time)
Books Collected                        (1000 copies) 139228 108 297 3568 1539 135255 100678
Number of Training Courses                (time) 304955 1672 13558 53997 20082 235728 154960
Person-times Trained    (1 000 person-times) 15933 63 638 2787 1094 12445 8651
Number of Theoretical Lectures           (time) 11259 635 1082 9542 3995
   Computer Owned                               (unit) 84347 885 3377 11618 4503 68467 48542
Revenue this Year             (100 million yuan) 81 3 9 27 10 41 32
Expenditure this Year       (100 million yuan) 79 3 9 27 10 41 31
Mobile Stage Truck                               (unit) 209 6 25 178 102
Performances by Mobile                                  9695 213 1315 8167 4960
 Stage Truck                                          (time)
Spectators of Performance by                          11379 97 1842 9440 5029
  Mobile Stage Truck      (1000 person-times)
Art Performance Troupes Run by Centers 5260 100 807 4353 1917
Number of Art Performances Run by Centers 74877 2015 8471 64391 31289
Aging College Run by Centers            (unit)                776 9 70 697 369
Part-time Art Troupes                         (unit)                      259608 82 5420 64675 27794 189431 135189