20-75 Basic Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities of China Associations for Science and Technology(2009)
Item Total                  
Total Number China Provincial Associations Prefectural County Total Number National Provincial
of Associations Association Associations of Capital cities Associations Associations of Academic Learned Learned
            Societies Societies Societies
Number of Associations or Academic Societies
Number of Associations or Academic Societies (Organizations at All Levels for S&T)            (unit) 7091 3159 1 32 32 382 2712 3932 192 3740
   Number of Independent Institution                                                                                          (unit) 2581 2581 1 31 31 347 2171
Number of Enterprises Association for Science and Technology                                               (unit) 16039 16039 2121 1404 4110 8404
Number of College Association for Science and Technology                                                     (unit) 698 698 156 120 269 153
Number of Street Science Association                                                                                        (unit) 9544 9544 397 9147
Number of Science Associations in towns                                                                                  (unit) 31659 31659 489 31170
Number of Rural Professional and Technical Associations                                                        (unit) 100980 100980 1236 9053 90691
Number of Personnel
Number of Persons Engaged in China Associations for S&T                                                 (person) 37349 37349 1233 7233 2386 7846 18651
Number of Persons Engaged of Academic Societies                                                              (person) 16570 16570 2684 13886
   Number of Temperany Staff for Community                                                                       (person) 4398 4398 879 3519
Number of Individual Members of Academic Societies                                            (10 000 persons) 414 583
Number of Individual Members of Enterprises Association for Science and Technology     (10 000 persons) 289 289 77 44 103 65
Number of Individual Members of College Association for Science and Technology         (10 000 persons) 45 45 24 8 12 1
Number of Individual Members Street Science Association                                     (10 000 persons) 52 52 4 48
Number of Individual Members of Science Associations in towns                           (10 000 persons) 187 187 2 185
Number of Individual Members of Rural Professional and Technical Associations       (10 000 persons) 1147 1147 16 97 1034
Total Budget                                                                                                                 (million yuan) 7313 5242 881 1867 405 969 1120 2071 1126 945
   Income of the Same Level Financial Assistance                                                                                    4057 675 1183 342 897 960
Academic Exchange
Number of Academic Meetings Held in China                                                                          (time) 29825 13874 58 635 2248 5206 5727 15951 4117 11834
   Number of Participants                                                                                   (10 000 person-time) 455 230 1 15 49 90 75 225 76 149
S&T Popularization Activities                                                                                                                             
Number of S&T Popularization Lectures                                                                                   (time) 151108 120859 343 2808 4434 26559 86715 30249 5218 25031
   Number of Participants                                                                                    (10 000 person-time) 7730 6437 18 424 123 1107 4765 1293 437 856
Number of S&T Popularization Exhibitions                                                                              (time) 69168 62385 85 1920 1165 12988 46227 6783 768 6015
   Number of Participants                                                                                    (10 000 person-time) 13809 11424 276 1045 325 2595 7183 2385 800 1585
Number of Releasing Popular Science Materials                                                           (10 000 units) 18475 15073 24 552 251 2969 11277 3402 668 2734
Number of S&T Popularization Consultion                                                                               (time) 270477 270477 130 850 1183 31572 236742
Number of People receiving Applied Technology Training                               (10 000 person-time) 3461 3461 2 24 21 627 2787
Number of New Technologies and New Products Promoted                                                      (item) 37933 37933 6 877 591 7560 28899
S&T Populariztion Activities Specifics (Activities for Educationi in Popular S&T among Adolescent)
Number of S&T Popularization Lectures for Adolescent                                                           (time) 21332 21332 128 711 536 4421 15536
   Number of Participants                                                                                    (10 000 person-time) 1584 1584 7 106 32 268 1171
Number of S&T Popularization Exhibitions for Adolescent                                                      (time) 13569 13569 1 324 204 2941 10099
   Number of Participants                                                                                    (10 000 person-time) 2153 2153 1 148 90 478 1436
Number of S&T Competitions for Adolescent                                                                           (time) 11120 10484 5 229 173 3063 7014 636 86 550
   Number of Participants                                                                                    (10 000 person-time) 3129 2766 0.4 883 263 583 1037 363 164 199
Number of Summer-Winter Camps for Adolescent                                                                    (time) 2754 2401 1 137 67 386 1810 353 75 278
   Number of Participants                                                                                    (10 000 person-time) 58 51 0.004 2 2 8 39 7 1 6
S&T Resource Construction                                                                                                                                    
Number of Popular Science Books                                                                   (kind) 12585 12585 406 621 335 1485 9738
The total printing of Popular Science Books                                     (10 000 copies) 7456 7456 373 5216 132 562 1173
Hours in Producting Popular Science Broadcasting and Television Programs(hour) 12406 11694 210 261 277 2246 8700 712 176 536
Number of Popular Science Exhibitions                                                           (unit) 6177 6177 24 57 39 1099 4958
Number of Popular Science Activities Resource Packages                               (unit) 3204 3204 9 56 20 435 2684
Number of Popular Science Animation Works                                                 (unit) 6136 6084 1 4632 224 876 351 52 6 46
S&T Popularization Infrastrcture Construction                                                                         
Number of Science and Technology Museum(Popular Science Center)           (unit) 983 983 1 23 15 146 798
   Number of More than 8000 Square Metres Construction Areas                   (unit) 79 79 1 19 5 11 43
Number of Education Bases for S&T Popularization(Model Bases)                (unit) 28121 28121 668 1390 1057 5212 19794
   Number of Participants                                                          (10 000 person-time) 19576 19576 1700 5706 1307 4130 6733
Number of Popular Science Galleries(Boards)                                                  (unit) 215374 215374 823 3733 21875 188943
   The Total Length of Popular Science Displayed Units                    (10 000 metre) 214 214 1 6 27 180
Mileage of Travelling about Science Caravans                                                  (Km) 2068761 2068761 336281 54240 669534 1008706
Number of Popular Science Sites                                                                      (unit) 2179 1493 9 96 42 284 1062 686 234 452
   Number of Visitors                                                                (10 000 person-time) 76757 17414 1613 8260 433 2247 4861 59343 53354 5989
International S&T Exchange
Visits from Foreign Countries,Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan                        (unit) 3932 772 60 258 142 224 88 3160 1202 1958
   Total Number of Visitors                                                                   (person-time) 35937 9053 584 2583 2104 2371 1411 26884 11931 14953
Visits to Foreign Countries,Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan                            (unit) 2154 491 136 204 50 73 28 1663 557 1106
   Total Number of Visitors                                                                   (person-time) 17080 4311 1079 1522 852 662 196 12769 4704 8065
S&T Activities and Public Service
Number of Carrying out "ideal and contribution" Competition Enterprises     (unit) 18099 18099 1 2115 835 4586 10562
Number of "ideal and contribution" Competition S&T Staffs (10 000 person-time) 146 146 0.0005 16 27 64 39
Number of Completed "ideal and contribution" Competition Projects            (item) 47181 47181 6 7385 8484 21525 9781
Number of Completed "Golden Bridge Program" Projects                              (item) 8539 8539 1144 766 2633 3996
Number of Consultative Contracts Completed                                                 (item) 29828 24939 300 5673 4832 8500 5634 4889 512 4377
Number of S&T Workers Proposals                                                                 (item) 33655 26475 138 695 1311 6125 18206 7180 697 6483
Number of Training Courses                                                                             (unit) 57690 46018 70 2208 2088 6634 35018 11672 1829 9843
   Persons Trained                                                                     (10 000 person-time) 732 597 2 18 15 104 458 135 21.3 114
Number of Recognition and Award S&T Workers                               (person-time) 90744 50635 179 2964 1755 15070 30667 40109 18129 21980
S&T Media
Number of Scientific & Technological Journals                                              (kind) 2126 51 6 45 2075 971 1104
   Printed Copies                                                                                (10 000 copies) 9070 699 31 668 8371 5887 2484
Number of Scientific & Technological Newspapers                                        (kind) 101 29 29 72 5 67
   Printed Copies                                                                                (10 000 copies) 15186 13202 13202 1984 202 1782
Number of Scientific & Technological Books                                                  (kind) 1743 757 201 61 30 135 330 986 229 757
   Printed Copies                                                                                (10 000 copies) 1123 369 47 57 42 72 151 754 174 580