20-58 Three Kinds of Applications for Patents Accepted
Item 1990 1995 2000 2005 2008 2009
  Total  41469 83045 170682 476264 828328 976686
  Inventions                        10137 21636 51747 173327 289838 314573
     Domestic                                      5832 10018 25346 93485 194579 229096
        Official                                 2482 2993 12609 62270 140452 172181
           Universities and Colleges                 509 574 1942 14643 30808 37965
           Research Institutions                     805 865 2228 6726 12435 14332
           Enterprises        816 1086 8316 40196 95619 118257
           Government Agencies and Organizations     352 468 123 705 1590 1627
        Non-official 3350 7025 12737 31215 54127 56915
     Foreign                                       4305 11618 26401 79842 95259 85477
        Official                                 4018 11045 25334 77575 92827 82647
        Non-official 287 573 1067 2267 2432 2830
  Utility Models                                  27615 43741 68815 139566 225586 310771
     Domestic                                      27488 43429 68461 138085 223945 308861
        Official                                 7424 8727 17792 46879 107109 169413
           Universities and Colleges                 811 771 965 3843 9362 13764
           Research Institutions                     1521 1376 1616 2661 4724 6022
           Enterprises        3830 4739 14912 39649 91374 147618
           Government Agencies and Organizations     1262 1841 299 726 1649 2009
        Non-official 20064 34702 50669 91206 116836 139448
     Foreign                                       127 312 354 1481 1641 1910
        Official                                 55 190 259 1171 1331 1612
        Non-official 72 122 95 310 310 298
  Designs                                       3717 17668 50120 163371 312904 351342
     Domestic                                      3265 15433 46532 151587 298620 339654
        Official                                 1713 8193 22974 49733 116825 141457
           Universities and Colleges                 13 18 17 1435 4975 9850
           Research Institutions                     64 104 278 359 1453 917
           Enterprises        1310 6031 22634 47552 108517 128424
           Government Agencies and Organizations     326 2040 45 387 1880 2266
        Non-official 1552 7240 23558 101854 181795 198197
     Foreign                                       452 2235 3588 11784 14284 11688
        Official                                 418 2013 3432 11230 13776 10972
        Non-official 34 222 156 554 508 716