20-18 Students in Secondary Vocational Schools by Field of Study (2009)
Item         Graduates  
New Junior   Total  
Enrollment Secondary   Enrollment With Certificate
  School Current Year   on Professional
  Graduates Graduates   Competence
Total 7117770 6279411 5467998 17798473 5096654 3131260
Agriculture and Forestry 749386 561274 317822 1180724 200041 106403
Resources and Environment 52809 31991 26673 130934 48155 25775
Energy 45003 35343 32378 124682 41784 22673
Civil and Hydraulic Engineering 198719 168496 145850 467433 130617 79173
Manufacturing 1381558 1260612 1140970 4069468 1286268 883092
Communication & Transportation 332871 288413 261964 743517 172925 113096
Information Technologies 1584466 1434971 1272915 4141793 1273440 842686
Medicine and Health 628765 555233 513979 1597102 420776 142534
Trade and Tourism 652545 600256 517054 1581830 430773 274602
Finance and Economics 398187 359079 323823 1047009 312306 194731
Culture, Arts and Physical Education 369146 335486 313088 987885 266475 155541
Public Affairs 167794 146340 129041 407789 132710 69885
Teacher Training 336256 305926 290013 786355 209207 128033
Other 220265 195991 182428 531952 171177 93036