20-14 Number of Students in Adult Institutions of Higher Education by Field of Study (2009)
Item             Graduates    
New Under- Specia- Total Under- Specia- Under- Specia-
Enroll- graduate lized Enroll- graduate lized graduate lized
ment Courses Courses ment Courses Courses Courses Courses
Total 2014776 815795 1198981 5413513 2256662 3156851 1943893 865421 1078472
Run by Adult Institutions
  of Higher Education 210784 25412 185372 541949 80224 461725 218398 40266 178132
 Philosophy 22 22
 Economics 11144 732 10412 27643 1873 25770 11099 539 10560
 Law 6590 2063 4527 16020 5701 10319 9181 3065 6116
 Education 18841 5657 13184 50109 19723 30386 22065 9576 12489
 Literature 28343 9369 18974 75899 32691 43208 38070 16272 21798
    Foreign Language 8377 2813 5564 21746 9715 12031 10036 5183 4853
    Art 7554 615 6939 17371 2211 15160 8869 1443 7426
 History 249 201 48 812 761 51 548 521 27
 Science 3153 1653 1500 10937 5759 5178 5313 4027 1286
 Engineering 56032 1165 54867 144576 3096 141480 40899 1483 39416
 Agriculture 620 62 558 1714 137 1577 1108 24 1084
 Medicine 14587 1102 13485 48225 3296 44929 15541 1129 14412
 Management 71225 3408 67817 166014 7187 158827 74552 3630 70922
 Teacher Training 28394 15400 12994 83961 53069 30892 41734 27819 13915
 Run by Regular Institutions
    of Higher Education 1803992 790383 1013609 4871564 2176438 2695126 1725495 825155 900340
 Philosophy 392 136 256 1108 239 869 338 94 244
 Economics 83416 29586 53830 227634 84691 142943 91748 27403 64345
 Law 61381 46113 15268 184334 138395 45939 96513 72187 24326
 Education 100999 41000 59999 268560 119294 149266 109602 50736 58866
 Literature 212452 136754 75698 603405 406894 196511 266587 179251 87336
    Foreign Language 66255 39228 27027 190763 122752 68011 84876 57228 27648
    Art 45499 19557 25942 117948 58811 59137 52232 27338 24894
 History 2532 2367 165 8180 7283 897 4393 3973 420
 Science 39449 28890 10559 117413 90858 26555 55547 47622 7925
 Engineering 505911 173121 332790 1372035 480391 891644 365806 162967 202839
 Agriculture 24955 10357 14598 71218 34379 36839 29048 14482 14566
 Medicine 247461 135317 112144 697199 322033 375166 223917 99734 124183
 Management 525044 186742 338302 1320478 491981 828497 481996 166706 315290
 Teacher Training 199492 137137 62355 566550 407429 159121 267108 194961 72147