20-11 Number of Postgraduate Students by Field of Study (2009)
Item             Graduates    
Enrollment Doctor's Master's Total Doctor's Master's Doctor's Master's
  Degree Degree Enrollment Degree Degree Degree Degree
  510953 61911 449042 1404942 246319 1158623 371273 48658 322615
Philosophy 5254 833 4421 15911 3414 12497 4518 698 3820
Economics 21576 2773 18803 61692 11415 50277 18327 2461 15866
Law 31085 3355 27730 87389 12116 75273 21681 2208 19473
Education 16683 1108 15575 47368 3991 43377 13406 919 12487
Literature 41845 2799 39046 114445 10121 104324 31634 2102 29532
History 5842 909 4933 17447 3820 13627 5082 824 4258
Science 59279 11638 47641 168908 41952 126956 41822 9570 32252
Engineering 158703 23259 135444 474170 101820 372350 130514 17386 113128
Agriculture 14800 2733 12067 45325 9673 35652 13425 2006 11419
Medicine 44713 6832 37881 128205 22646 105559 34629 5586 29043
Military 233 31 202 763 151 612 191 21 170
Management 38701 4790 33911 114994 22028 92966 31636 3770 27866
Academic Degree 72239 851 71388 128325 3172 125153 24408 1107 23301
 Colleges 492800 55472 437328 1351404 224119 1127285 357345 42903 314442
Philosophy 5073 769 4304 15324 3185 12139 4340 645 3695
Economics 21060 2557 18503 59989 10664 49325 17812 2280 15532
Law 30560 3219 27341 85843 11695 74148 21269 2112 19157
Education 16594 1069 15525 47105 3864 43241 13356 894 12462
Literature 41551 2703 38848 113646 9865 103781 31400 2042 29358
History 5758 887 4871 17200 3742 13458 5008 807 4201
Science 52278 8513 43765 148023 31089 116934 36813 6632 30181
Engineering 151925 21104 130821 453571 94350 359221 124847 15524 109323
Agriculture 14073 2489 11584 43124 8917 34207 12859 1806 11053
Medicine 44001 6667 37334 125967 21949 104018 33995 5390 28605
Military 232 31 201 758 151 607 188 21 167
Management 38067 4614 33453 113278 21485 91793 31110 3645 27465
Academic Degree 71628 850 70778 127576 3163 124413 24348 1105 23243
Institutions 18153 6439 11714 53538 22200 31338 13928 5755 8173
Philosophy 181 64 117 587 229 358 178 53 125
Economics 516 216 300 1703 751 952 515 181 334
Law 525 136 389 1546 421 1125 412 96 316
Education 89 39 50 263 127 136 50 25 25
Literature 294 96 198 799 256 543 234 60 174
History 84 22 62 247 78 169 74 17 57
Science 7001 3125 3876 20885 10863 10022 5009 2938 2071
Engineering 6778 2155 4623 20599 7470 13129 5667 1862 3805
Agriculture 727 244 483 2201 756 1445 566 200 366
Medicine 712 165 547 2238 697 1541 634 196 438
Military 1 1 5 5 3 3
Management 634 176 458 1716 543 1173 526 125 401
Academic Degree 611 1 610 749 9 740 60 2 58