6-1 Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation
Item 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
  Total Value of Imports and Exports 116921.8 140971.4 166740.2 179921.5 150648.1
                                       (RMB 100 million yuan)
      Total Exports 62648.1 77594.6 93455.6 100394.9 82029.7
      Total Imports 54273.7 63376.9 73284.6 79526.5 68618.4
      Balance 8374.4 14217.7 20171.1 20868.4 13411.3
  Total Value of Imports and Exports 14219.1 17604.0 21737.3 25632.6 22075.4
                                                 (USD 100 million)
      Total Exports 7619.5 9689.4 12177.8 14306.9 12016.1
          Primary Goods 490.4 529.2 615.1 779.6 631.1
          Manufactured Goods 7129.2 9160.2 11562.7 13527.4 11384.8
      Total Imports 6599.5 7914.6 9559.5 11325.6 10059.2
          Primary Goods 1477.1 1871.3 2430.9 3623.9 2898.0
          Manufactured Goods 5122.4 6043.3 7128.6 7701.7 7161.2
      Balance 1020.0 1774.8 2618.3 2981.3 1956.9
  Number of Projects for Contracted Foreign 44001 41473 37871 27514 23435
    Direct Investment                                   (unit)
  Total Amount of Foreign Investment 638.05 670.76 783.39 952.53 918.04
    Actually Utilized               (USD 100 million)
      Foreign Direct Investments 603.25 630.21 747.68 923.95 900.33
      Other Foreign Investments 34.80 40.55 35.72 28.58 17.71
Registered Foreign-funded Enterprises
      Number of Registered Enterprises (household) 353030 376711 406442 434937 434248
      Total Investment                 (USD 100 million) 14640 17076 21088 23241 25000
      Registered Capital              (USD 100 million) 8120 9465 11554 13006 14035
          Capital from Foreign Investors 6319 7406 9211 10389 11369
  Economic Cooperation with Foreign
    Countries & Regions        (USD 100 million)
      Contracted Value 342.16 716.48 853.45 1130.15 1336.82
          Contracted Projects 296.14 660.05 776.21 1045.62 1262.10
          Labor Services 42.45 52.33 66.99 75.64 74.73
      Value of Turnover Fulfilled 267.76 356.95 479.00 651.16 866.17
          Contracted Projects 217.63 299.93 406.43 566.12 777.06
          Labor Services 47.86 53.73 67.67 80.57 89.11
a) From 2001, data of contracted foreign capital and total amount of foreign capital actually utilized do not include foreign loans. The same 
    applies toTable 6-13.
b) Since 2007, Ministry of Commerce do not publish data of contracted value with foreign countries or regions.
c) Data of foreign enterprises come from State Administration for Industry & Commerce of the People's Republic of China, and their number of 
    registered enterprises includes enterprises and their sub-branch since 2008, and the figures before were adjusted too. The same applies to the 
    table following.
d) Since 2009, overseas design and consultation services are included in overseas contracted projects by Ministry of Commerce.