15-2 Main Economic Indicators on Construction Enterprises by Registration Status (2009)
Item Total Domestic     Funded from   Foreign  
Funded State-owned Collective-
Hong Kong, Solely Funded Solely
Macao and Taiwan Owned Owned
 Number of Construction Enterprises                                        (unit) 70817 70022 5009 5352 444 111 351 96
 Number of Employed Persons                                (10 000 persons) 3672.56 3651.46 518.92 246.79 10.86 2.27 10.24 2.44
 Fixed Assets Owned (original value)                   (100 million yuan) 11631.38 11509.88 2804.44 598.65 54.11 11.91 67.39 13.93
 Fixed Assets Owned (net value)                          (100 million yuan) 7591.92 7516.28 1701.61 402.49 32.16 7.72 43.48 9.53
 Number of Machinery and Equipment Owned              (10 000 sets) 973.49 968.04 138.80 83.70 2.87 0.47 2.58 0.55
 Net Value of Machinery and Equipment Owned (100 million yuan) 3704.98 3684.21 792.74 175.51 11.29 2.56 9.47 1.99
 Total Power of Machinery and Equipment Owned       (10 000 kw) 19022.56 18936.40 3620.36 1677.51 43.81 11.43 42.34 7.72
 Gross Output Value of Construction                   (100 million yuan) 76807.74 76057.98 15190.05 3281.75 334.59 68.62 415.17 111.49
 Value Added of Construction                              (100 million yuan) 15619.82
     Depreciation of Fixed Assets 756.31 748.36 189.37 29.92 3.85 0.78 4.10 1.01
     Wages Payable from Principal Business 8151.78 8088.57 1323.33 436.49 28.84 7.48 34.37 8.40
     Welfare Expenses Payable from Principal Business 633.78 628.82 85.00 36.72 2.66 0.68 2.30 0.86
     Taxes and Extra Charges on Project Settle Accounts 2524.60 2503.51 528.86 114.24 9.31 1.92 11.79 3.32
     Taxes in Management Expenses 129.08 127.82 23.24 9.26 0.71 0.16 0.55 0.14
     Housing Provident Funds and Housing Subsidies 152.51 151.12 63.43 6.22 0.57 0.13 0.82 0.37
 Floor Space of Buildings under Construction            (10 000 sq.m) 588593.91 584387.61 72681.00 36380.95 1662.04 225.71 2544.26 843.20
 Floor Space of Buildings Completed                          (10 000 sq.m) 245401.64 244180.47 21765.36 18783.17 545.09 47.83 676.08 271.44
 Total Profits                                                         (100 million yuan) 2718.76 2677.77 365.62 136.29 18.46 5.18 22.53 8.11
 Total Tax                                                              (100 million yuan) 2653.69 2631.33 552.10 123.50 10.02 2.08 12.33 3.46
 Overall Labor Productivity
     In Terms of Gross Output Value                              (yuan/person) 185087 184604 244193 124255 226730 190926 277053 346895
     In Terms of Value-added                                         (yuan/person) 37640
 Value of Machines per Laborer                                   (yuan/person) 10088 10090 15277 7112 10402 11314 9252 8159
 Power of Machines per Laborer                                      (kw/person) 5.2 5.2 7.0 6.8 4.0 5.0 4.1 3.2
 Rate of Floor Space of Buildings Completed                              (%) 41.7 41.8 29.9 51.6 32.8 21.2 26.6 32.2
 Ratio of Profit to Gross Output Value                                         (%) 3.5 3.5 2.4 4.2 5.5 7.6 5.4 7.3
 Ratio of Pre-tax Profit to Gross Output Value                             (%) 7.0 7.0 6.0 7.9 8.5 10.6 8.4 10.4
a) The value-added of construction are the same as that in the Communique.