5-16 Investment in Fixed Assets in Urban Area by Region and Sector
(100 million yuan)
    Agriculture, Mining Manufacturing Production Construction Transport, Information Wholesale Hotels Financial Real Estate Leasing Scientific Management Services to Education Health, Culture, Public International
    Forestry, and Supply Storage Transmission, and and Intermediation and Research, of Water Households Social Sports Management Organizations
Year Total Animal of Electricity, and Post Computer Retail Catering   Business Technical Conservancy, and Securities and and Social  
Region   Husbandry Gas and Water   Services and Trades Services   Services Services, and Environment Other and Social Entertainment Organizations  
    and Fishery     Software         Geological and Public Services Welfare      
                    Prospecting Facilities          
2003 45811.7 535.0 1551.9 10744.0 3803.9 528.0 5669.0 1645.7 791.4 321.3 86.2 11105.3 309.8 281.7 4220.2 65.6 1474.1 357.7 479.6 1841.2 0.3
2004 59028.2 645.1 2126.3 14657.2 5525.1 526.3 7091.5 1638.0 1117.2 438.1 97.6 14547.0 361.7 311.8 4890.8 107.6 1803.0 446.9 531.2 2165.6 0.3
2005 75095.1 842.8 3234.3 20406.6 7286.6 664.3 8860.4 1561.6 1532.1 675.9 105.6 17098.2 486.2 424.5 6097.9 135.5 1966.9 591.8 685.8 2438.1
2006 93368.7 1118.2 4152.5 26336.0 8260.7 795.7 11224.5 1772.0 1896.5 938.7 118.7 21586.2 662.6 465.1 7506.7 183.6 2128.8 708.0 858.2 2655.8 0.1
2007 117464.5 1460.0 5256.1 35476.7 9088.9 992.5 12997.1 1819.4 2450.6 1329.9 151.9 28619.2 860.7 521.2 9276.0 235.8 2220.9 809.4 1129.8 2768.4
2008 148738.3 2250.4 6846.8 46368.3 10489.1 1195.8 15700.5 2131.3 3193.0 1735.0 252.8 35914.2 1255.1 717.6 12279.1 312.7 2355.4 1065.9 1436.5 3239.0
2009 193920.4 3356.4 8170.8 58706.1 13545.4 1569.1 23271.3 2543.5 4491.0 2328.6 348.5 43127.6 1880.4 1084.0 17878.9 518.6 3242.5 1698.0 2125.4 4034.2
  Beijing 4149.6 2.8 21.4 164.1 151.7 4.4 612.5 139.2 9.8 26.2 7.4 2480.1 21.1 51.5 262.9 2.5 54.1 36.6 61.6 39.7
  Tianjin 4446.6 47.0 394.4 1293.9 274.4 22.9 472.1 51.3 62.4 26.9 1.6 771.7 157.1 16.5 678.9 34.1 36.2 15.8 23.7 65.6
  Hebei 10476.5 239.9 280.1 4211.9 526.3 21.5 936.3 11.2 380.5 99.0 11.9 2028.7 111.6 76.0 1080.3 38.1 132.0 107.7 78.9 104.5
  Shanxi 4509.6 121.7 648.6 858.7 522.0 21.7 703.9 87.7 77.5 41.1 1.9 763.7 13.2 7.0 431.1 5.1 99.1 35.2 51.2 19.3
  Inner Mongolia 7143.8 275.6 964.9 1599.4 1124.1 65.7 781.4 47.9 210.9 60.1 23.3 935.3 27.5 39.8 591.2 27.7 98.0 45.3 78.6 147.3
  Liaoning 11605.1 148.5 341.7 4432.1 653.8 112.6 721.5 132.1 388.8 172.7 41.0 2724.7 161.0 94.6 883.4 54.8 125.9 83.3 128.9 204.0
  Jilin 5958.9 101.9 378.5 2569.7 338.8 37.9 397.0 57.0 218.5 71.4 8.3 937.2 50.7 47.1 525.1 20.2 74.7 53.2 35.7 35.9
  Heilongjiang 4695.7 219.5 503.2 1094.4 362.6 53.2 625.4 146.3 136.6 45.7 6.5 738.4 27.2 73.1 305.8 13.3 90.1 56.1 21.9 176.5
  Shanghai 4618.9 3.3 8.2 687.1 386.4 6.8 873.3 125.8 16.7 37.6 15.6 1566.5 110.3 18.8 630.3 1.8 37.4 22.7 54.7 15.6
  Jiangsu 14266.8 45.4 55.4 6081.4 556.6 85.7 886.7 137.9 365.4 197.6 14.4 3735.0 203.2 98.7 1210.8 40.7 201.5 77.8 124.3 148.3
  Zhejiang 7454.3 25.2 0.7 1812.7 503.6 17.9 900.0 157.5 125.7 92.5 21.6 2526.6 100.4 26.7 808.8 5.9 109.9 69.8 71.1 77.7
  Anhui 7945.5 92.4 316.2 2742.7 290.1 226.5 404.3 91.1 193.0 117.7 16.1 2072.9 48.7 28.3 825.5 22.5 149.0 85.7 86.1 136.9
  Fujian 5548.6 49.8 63.9 1515.4 469.9 25.4 834.4 147.4 92.5 86.4 16.9 1269.0 65.5 14.7 565.3 7.1 89.7 43.5 45.8 146.0
  Jiangxi 6008.1 111.1 142.9 3049.9 296.9 14.1 334.9 49.2 161.0 153.6 21.7 741.8 55.0 27.2 525.5 15.1 107.8 49.2 72.0 79.4
  Shandong 15439.1 180.4 415.4 6281.2 486.6 273.4 839.3 69.1 609.9 219.8 14.5 3401.9 124.5 109.0 1025.8 76.8 220.0 112.0 330.2 649.2
  Henan 11454.9 352.8 707.2 5135.1 573.2 17.3 484.4 74.3 308.3 151.3 12.2 2215.5 27.5 32.9 760.9 39.6 204.8 109.8 125.1 122.5
  Hubei 7183.7 165.1 122.7 2307.9 494.7 26.7 722.8 69.3 240.6 146.8 16.1 1365.4 128.9 46.9 722.0 19.0 124.5 74.5 97.5 292.3
  Hunan 6880.0 131.0 230.3 2148.0 380.8 83.2 952.2 101.5 160.5 90.6 12.4 1282.6 63.4 32.2 739.1 26.1 93.8 88.6 72.3 191.6
  Guangdong 10230.1 39.2 82.1 1774.3 1007.5 10.9 1444.0 278.2 135.1 130.9 19.4 3517.7 113.4 55.0 1052.8 12.6 170.4 108.7 190.4 87.6
  Guangxi 4689.9 132.2 135.5 1356.5 350.7 24.7 537.6 92.4 110.2 58.9 16.8 976.9 56.9 15.7 543.7 7.3 107.4 53.4 31.6 81.2
  Hainan 942.7 14.7 8.5 54.3 68.2 9.2 184.6 19.6 2.5 34.6 2.6 316.2 1.1 2.1 67.9 0.0 16.0 12.4 66.3 61.9
  Chongqing 4855.1 144.7 90.5 1320.0 242.2 78.7 613.1 53.1 34.8 17.1 8.8 1433.8 29.2 17.6 525.6 2.2 108.1 29.7 36.8 69.0
  Sichuan 9090.1 182.5 178.7 2703.3 729.8 36.0 1089.1 135.9 103.0 75.0 7.4 1960.8 83.8 16.5 1139.1 6.7 319.9 132.5 64.6 125.5
  Guizhou 2049.8 28.6 135.3 345.3 271.3 5.9 373.3 60.0 19.2 15.6 7.4 446.1 7.4 8.2 208.2 5.3 38.7 15.3 13.9 44.7
  Yunnan 4117.5 129.3 174.2 578.6 720.5 3.3 542.2 62.8 107.4 39.4 5.0 898.2 15.3 10.5 500.6 8.4 118.2 48.5 49.1 105.9
  Tibet 327.6 20.3 9.7 18.1 41.5 20.0 78.8 9.5 5.9 8.8 0.4 35.0 0.5 0.4 19.0 0.3 9.9 3.5 4.5 41.6
  Shaanxi 5888.4 164.4 487.9 1295.4 386.7 50.4 554.7 58.2 138.0 73.4 6.0 1102.7 56.6 73.1 721.3 16.0 149.0 61.1 55.5 437.7
  Gansu 2076.4 74.7 102.3 396.5 407.8 182.7 145.5 18.6 38.7 18.9 2.8 265.9 6.4 19.4 94.0 4.4 50.8 27.7 17.9 201.4
  Qinghai 689.1 20.1 50.3 181.9 115.9 8.9 103.8 2.9 5.9 3.1 2.3 78.6 1.7 3.6 56.3 0.5 12.6 5.1 13.0 22.6
  Ningxia 964.2 18.5 106.9 270.0 182.3 3.8 59.8 13.1 5.2 3.3 1.0 175.9 1.0 0.4 57.2 1.2 29.2 7.9 10.6 16.6
  Xinjiang 2434.1 73.7 498.3 426.3 291.5 17.7 304.0 43.3 26.3 12.5 5.2 362.9 10.3 12.1 169.0 3.0 64.1 25.5 11.6 76.8
  Not Classified 5779.7 514.9 337.0 4758.7 8.2 151.5 9.4
     by Region