2-30 Flow of Funds Accounts (Physical Transaction, 2004)
  (100 million yuan)
Sectors Non-financial Financial General Households All Domestic Sectors The Rest of the World Total
Corporations Institutions Governments                
Items Uses Sources Uses Sources Uses Sources Uses Sources Uses Sources Uses Sources Uses Sources
  Net Exports   -4079.1 -4079.1
  Value Added   95328.0 5393.0 14480.2 44677.1 159878.3 159878.3
  Compensation of Employees 37330.7 2114.0 11022.2 30431.4 80950.8 80898.4 80950.8 166.8 114.4 81065.2 81065.2
     Wages and Salaries  
     Employers' Social Contributions  
  Taxes on Production, Net 20804.6 779.1 349.8 24597.2 2663.6 24597.2 24597.2 24597.2 24597.2
     Taxes on Products  
     Subsidies on Production  
  Income from Properties 7173.0 4909.8 6568.4 6606.8 1299.9 605.1 1672.5 4248.4 16713.7 16370.1 1532.4 1876.0 18246.1 18246.1
     Interest 4207.1 2658.9 6458.0 6606.8 1299.9 602.1 1672.5 3769.8 13637.5 13637.5 13637.5 13637.5
     Distributed Income of Corporations 2962.8 2246.8 30.2 402.6 2993.0 2649.4 1532.4 1876.0 4525.4 4525.4
     Rent on Land Use 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1
     Others   4.2 80.2 76.0 80.2 80.2 80.2 80.2
  Total Income from Primary Distribution   34929.6 2538.2 27010.5 95108.7 159587.0 159587.0
  Current Transfer 4287.7 581.8 772.1 761.8 7273.0 11481.9 7911.0 9316.0 20243.7 22141.5 2013.5 115.7 22257.2 22257.2
     Taxes on Income 3763.3 194.1 5693.5 1736.2 5693.5 5693.5 5693.5 5693.5
     Payment to Social Security   5780.3 5780.3 5780.3 5780.3 5780.3 5780.3
     Social Security Welfare   4627.4 4627.4 4627.4 4627.4 4627.4 4627.4
     Allowances 54.4 563.5 617.9 617.9 617.9 617.9 617.9
     Others 470.0 581.8 578.0 761.8 2082.1 8.1 394.5 4070.7 3524.6 5422.4 2013.5 115.7 5538.1 5538.1
  Total Disposable Income   31223.7 2528.0 31219.5 96513.7 161484.8 161484.8
  Final Consumption Expenditure   22334.1 65218.5 87552.6 87552.6
     Household Consumption   65218.5 65218.5 65218.5
     Government Consumption   22334.1 22334.1 22334.1
  Savings   31223.7 2528.0 8885.4 31295.2 73932.2 -5685.6 68246.6
  Capital Transfers   1494.5 1500.2 1500.2 1494.5 5.7 1500.2 1500.2
      Investment Allowances   1494.5 1494.5 1494.5 1494.5 1494.5 1494.5
      Other   5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7
  Gross Capital Formation 47269.4 90.0 8226.0 13583.0 69168.4 69168.4
     Gross Fixed Capital Formation 43638.4 90.0 8226.0 13163.3 65117.7 65117.7
     Changes in Inventories 3631.0 419.7 4050.7 4050.7
  Acquisitions Less Disposals of  4075.9 -2339.8 -1736.1
    Other Non-financial Assets  
  Net Financial Investment -18627.1 2437.9 1499.0 19448.3 4758.1 -5679.9 -921.8
a) Since 2004, income from land use right lease was included in rent on land use of income from properties. The same applies to the 4 tables following.
b) Land use right leasing fees is included in acquisitions less disoposals of other non-financial assets. According to the principle of keeping account 
    of assets, assets are kept in use, acquistion of assets is positive,disposal of assets is negative. The same applies to the 4 tables following.
c) According to the Second National Economic Census, flow of funds accounts in 2004-2007 is revised. The same applies to the 3 tables following.