2-1 Gross Domestic Product
Data in this table are calculated at current prices.
(100 million yuan)
Gross Gross           Capita
National Domestic Primary Secondary     Tertiary GDP
Income Product Industry Industry Industry Construction Industry (yuan)
1978 3645.2 3645.2 1027.5 1745.2 1607.0 138.2 872.5 381
1979 4062.6 4062.6 1270.2 1913.5 1769.7 143.8 878.9 419
1980 4545.6 4545.6 1371.6 2192.0 1996.5 195.5 982.0 463
1981 4889.5 4891.6 1559.5 2255.5 2048.4 207.1 1076.6 492
1982 5330.5 5323.4 1777.4 2383.0 2162.3 220.7 1163.0 528
1983 5985.6 5962.7 1978.4 2646.2 2375.6 270.6 1338.1 583
1984 7243.8 7208.1 2316.1 3105.7 2789.0 316.7 1786.3 695
1985 9040.7 9016.0 2564.4 3866.6 3448.7 417.9 2585.0 858
1986 10274.4 10275.2 2788.7 4492.7 3967.0 525.7 2993.8 963
1987 12050.6 12058.6 3233.0 5251.6 4585.8 665.8 3574.0 1112
1988 15036.8 15042.8 3865.4 6587.2 5777.2 810.0 4590.3 1366
1989 17000.9 16992.3 4265.9 7278.0 6484.0 794.0 5448.4 1519
1990 18718.3 18667.8 5062.0 7717.4 6858.0 859.4 5888.4 1644
1991 21826.2 21781.5 5342.2 9102.2 8087.1 1015.1 7337.1 1893
1992 26937.3 26923.5 5866.6 11699.5 10284.5 1415.0 9357.4 2311
1993 35260.0 35333.9 6963.8 16454.4 14188.0 2266.5 11915.7 2998
1994 48108.5 48197.9 9572.7 22445.4 19480.7 2964.7 16179.8 4044
1995 59810.5 60793.7 12135.8 28679.5 24950.6 3728.8 19978.5 5046
1996 70142.5 71176.6 14015.4 33835.0 29447.6 4387.4 23326.2 5846
1997 78060.8 78973.0 14441.9 37543.0 32921.4 4621.6 26988.1 6420
1998 83024.3 84402.3 14817.6 39004.2 34018.4 4985.8 30580.5 6796
1999 88479.2 89677.1 14770.0 41033.6 35861.5 5172.1 33873.4 7159
2000 98000.5 99214.6 14944.7 45555.9 40033.6 5522.3 38714.0 7858
2001 108068.2 109655.2 15781.3 49512.3 43580.6 5931.7 44361.6 8622
2002 119095.7 120332.7 16537.0 53896.8 47431.3 6465.5 49898.9 9398
2003 135174.0 135822.8 17381.7 62436.3 54945.5 7490.8 56004.7 10542
2004 159586.7 159878.3 21412.7 73904.3 65210.0 8694.3 64561.3 12336
2005 185808.6 184937.4 22420.0 87598.1 77230.8 10367.3 74919.3 14185
2006 217522.7 216314.4 24040.0 103719.5 91310.9 12408.6 88554.9 16500
2007 267763.7 265810.3 28627.0 125831.4 110534.9 15296.5 111351.9 20169
2008 316228.8 314045.4 33702.0 149003.4 130260.2 18743.2 131340.0 23708
2009 343464.7 340506.9 35226.0 157638.8 135239.9 22398.8 147642.1 25575
a) Since 1980, the difference between the Gross Domestic Product and the Gross National Income (formerly, the Gross National Product) is the 
    net factor income from the rest of the world.
b) Data of 2009 were preliminary verification. The same applies to the tables from this table to table 2-15. 
c) Adjustment has been done for the data of 2005-2008, due to the 2nd Economic Census.