Consumer Price Indices |
Source: United
Nations Database. |
(2000=100) |
Country or Region |
General Index |
of Which: Food |
2005 |
2007 |
2008 |
2005 |
2007 |
2008 |
China |
106.9 |
113.7 |
120.4 |
116.3 |
133.8 |
152.8 |
Bangladesh① |
126.7 |
147.6 |
160.7 |
127.8 |
151.9 |
168.7 |
India② |
121.5 |
136.0 |
147.5 |
115.0 |
137.0 |
152.3 |
Indonesia |
156.0 |
187.8 |
206.8 |
140.3 |
180.4 |
Iran |
192.9 |
246.1 |
309.1 |
186.3③ |
Israel |
108.5 |
111.4 |
116.5 |
109.9 |
119.5 |
133.2 |
Japan |
97.8 |
98.1 |
99.5 |
98.4 |
99.2 |
101.7 |
Kazakhstan |
139.0 |
178.8 |
189.1 |
151.8④ |
211.2④ |
226.8④ |
Korea, Rep.⑿ |
100.0 |
104.8 |
109.7 |
100.0 |
103.0 |
108.2 |
Malaysia |
109.1 |
115.3 |
121.6 |
108.8 |
115.9 |
126.2 |
Mongolia(Ulan Bator) |
137.6 |
157.7 |
139.7④ |
Myanmar |
297.1 |
492.2 |
303.2 |
493.9 |
Pakistan |
129.5 |
150.3 |
180.8 |
132.1 |
158.8 |
202.6 |
Philippines |
129.8 |
141.8 |
155.0 |
123.8④ |
134.9④ |
152.3④ |
Singapore |
103.2 |
106.4 |
113.4 |
104.6 |
109.3 |
117.8 |
Sri Lanka (Colombo) |
159.7 |
163.1 |
199.9 |
163.0 |
163.4 |
213.3 |
Thailand (Bangkok) |
111.8⑥ |
119.7⑥ |
126.2⑥ |
114.8 |
124.9 |
139.4 |
Egypt |
133.7 |
157.6 |
186.4 |
105.0③ |
130.6③ |
162.0③ |
Nigeria |
207.4 |
236.6 |
263.9 |
216.3 |
232.6 |
270.0 |
South Africa |
128.0 |
143.5 |
160.0 |
137.9 |
163.1 |
190.0 |
Canada |
112.2 |
116.9 |
119.7 |
114.1 |
119.9 |
124.1 |
Mexico |
127.2 |
137.0 |
144.0 |
129.4④ |
142.6④ |
154.1④ |
United States⑤ |
113.4 |
120.4 |
125.0 |
113.6 |
120.9 |
127.6 |
Argentina (Buenos Aires) |
161.7 |
195.2 |
212.0 |
183.3 |
228.5 |
243.9 |
Brazil |
151.4 |
163.5 |
172.8 |
151.0 |
161.2 |
Venezuela (Caracas) |
255.0 |
344.0 |
452.1 |
332.4 |
506.3 |
738.0 |
Belorussia |
384.3 |
445.9 |
512.0 |
358.2 |
417.4 |
491.1 |
Bulgaria |
129.6 |
150.7 |
169.3 |
117.0 |
140.0 |
163.4 |
Czech Republic |
111.7 |
117.9 |
125.4 |
110.3④ |
116.4④ |
126.4④ |
France |
109.9 |
113.4 |
116.6 |
111.0 |
114.3 |
119.9 |
Germany |
108.3 |
112.5 |
115.4 |
105.3 |
110.5 |
118.3 |
Italy |
112.3⑦ |
116.9⑦ |
120.7⑦ |
113.6⑧ |
119.0⑧ |
125.4⑧ |
Netherlands |
113.1 |
116.2 |
119.1 |
106.5 |
109.4 |
115.6 |
Poland |
114.6 |
118.6 |
123.6 |
110.6⑨ |
115.9⑨ |
122.5⑨ |
Romania |
231.7 |
258.8 |
279.1 |
213.8 |
230.6 |
251.9 |
Russian Fed. |
199.7 |
238.8 |
189.7 |
226.4 |
Spain⒀ |
113.6 |
121.0 |
125.9 |
116.7 |
126.0 |
133.5 |
Turkey |
380.5 |
453.6 |
501.0 |
112.1⑩ |
138.2⑩ |
155.9⑩ |
Ukraine |
146.9 |
180.8 |
226.4 |
160.9 |
182.4 |
247.0 |
United Kingdom |
112.7 |
121.3 |
126.1 |
107.3 |
114.6 |
125.2 |
Australia |
116.1 |
123.0 |
128.3 |
120.0 |
132.3 |
138.5 |
New Zealand |
113.0 |
119.6 |
124.0 |
112.2 |
119.6 |
129.2 |
Notes: ①Government officials.②Industrial workers.③Including tobacco.④Including alcoholic
beverages and tobacco.⑤All urban consumers. |
⑥The base year
is 1990.⑦Excluding
alcoholic beverages and tobacco.⑨Including alcoholic beverages. |
⑩The base year
is 2003.⑾The
base year is 2007.⑿The base year is 2005.⒀The base year is 2001. |