APPENDIX 1-20  Net Revenue of Treasury
(NT $ 100 million)
Item 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Total 17879 18482 19716 21008 21549
  Tax 11909 12201 13534 15313 15567
  Revenue from Monopoly 3
  Revenue from Enterprises and Institutions 2609 3401 3067 2766 3036
  Other Revenue 3358 2880 3115 2929 2946
     Revenue from Profit of Public Properties 129 126 144 133 144
     Fees 1253 764 853 889 911
     Revenue from Fines & Indemnities 448 437 429 435 427
     Receipts from Donations and Contributions 21 51 55 58 70
     Return of Properties and Sales of Public Properties 813 910 1060 886 814
     Miscellaneous Revenues 694 591 575 528 580