24-7 Gross Domestic Product (at Current Prices)
Year GDP GDP Real Growth Rate Over the GDP per Capita
(100 million MOP) (100 million USD) Preceding Year (%) (MOP) (USD)
1992 365.2 45.8 13.3 98475 12352
1993 420.7 52.8 5.2 109563 13751
1994 467.2 58.7 4.3 117737 14791
1995 522.7 65.6 3.3 127715 16029
1996 528.1 66.3 -0.4 127211 15968
1997 532.3 66.7 -0.3 127563 15996
1998 493.6 61.9 -4.6 116884 14649
1999 472.9 59.2 -2.4 110637 13844
2000 489.7 61.0 5.7 113739 14171
2001 497.0 61.9 2.9 114501 14253
2002 548.2 68.2 10.1 125058 15567
2003 635.7 79.2 14.2 142825 17805
2004r 822.3 102.5 27.3 179977 22434
2005r 921.9 115.1 6.9 193619 24169
2006r 1137.1 142.1 16.5 227721 28463
2007r 1494.6 186.0 25.3 284268 35374
2008 1718.7 214.3 13.2 313091 39036
Notes: Major revision to GDP series was conducted in 2005 and the base year was revised from 1996 to 2002.
          Based on GDP at constant (2002) prices.
          The estimates are subject to revisions as more data become available.