23-48  Persons Aged 10 and Over Having Used Internet Service by Age Group/Educational Attainment/Economic Activity Status
Item 2006 2007 2008
Number of     Number of     Number of    
Persons Percent Rate Persons Percent Rate Persons Percent Rate
  Age Group
    10-14 410200 10.9 96.4 405400 10.2 98.8 392400 9.5 99.0
    15-24 851800 22.6 97.4 851700 21.5 98.6 856300 20.8 98.8
    25-34 831500 22.1 87.5 870600 22.0 91.4 902200 21.9 94.1
    35-44 912600 24.2 72.7 901500 22.8 77.4 956700 23.2 84.4
    45-54 570800 15.1 47.4 672500 17.0 56.1 729600 17.7 58.8
    55-64 159400 4.2 23.4 212700 5.4 29.9 228700 5.5 30.1
    65 and Over 34200 0.9 4.2 47000 1.2 5.8 58100 1.4 7.0
    Overall 3770400 100.0 60.8 3961400 100.0 64.8 4123900 100.0 66.7
  Educational Attainment
    No Schooling/ 318800 8.5 19.1 341500 8.6 20.9 333800 8.1 21.4
    Secondary/Matriculation 2336500 62.0 69.8 2505300 63.2 75.5 2599900 63.0 76.6
    Tertiary 1115100 29.6 94.4 1114600 28.1 96.0 1190200 28.9 96.8
    Overall 3770400 100.0 60.8 3961400 100.0 64.8 4123900 100.0 66.7
  Economic Activity Status
    Economically Active 2587600 68.6 70.3 2618000 66.1 75.4 2838900 68.8 79.2
    Economically Inactive 1182800 31.4 47.0 1343400 33.9 50.8 1285000 31.2 49.4
      Students 871800 23.1 97.6 920600 23.2 99.1 896400 21.7 99.2
      Retired Persons 65200 1.7 7.7 107200 2.7 11.7 88300 2.1 9.6
      Home-makers 225700 6.0 33.1 301700 7.6 40.7 288400 7.0 39.9
      Others 20100 0.5 21.5 13900 0.4 24.7 11900 0.3 22.0
      Overall 3770400 100.0 60.8 3961400 100.0 64.8 4123900 100.0 66.7
Notes : Figures are based on Thematic Household Survey on Information Technology usage and penetration conducted during June to August in 2006,
            July to September in 2007 and July to September in 2008.They refer to the number of persons aged 10 and over who had used Internet  service
             in the twelve months before enumeration.
            As a percentage of all persons aged 10 and over in the respective age/educational attainment/economic activity status groups.  For example,
                among all persons aged 10-14, 99.0% had used Internet service in the twelve months before enumeration based on the Thematic Household
                Survey in 2008.