23-44  Index of Share Prices, Value of Stock Exchange Turnover and Market Capitalisation
Item 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
 Main Board
     Index of Share Prices
          Hang Seng Index (31.7.1964=100)
               High 14266.4 15466.1 20001.9 31638.2 27615.9
               Low 10967.7 13355.2 14944.8 18664.9 11015.8
               Closing 14230.1 14876.4 19964.7 27812.7 14387.5
                Sectoral Sub-indices
                  (13.1.1984 = 975.47)
                       High 28798.5 28269.6 32430.1 47484.7 39136.9
                       Low 23329.6 25776.8 26702.1 29645.8 17534.7
                       Closing 28237.7 26614.3 32428.7 39526.3 21793.5
                       High 30976.7 32468.4 35793.7 41287.0 45276.1
                       Low 24616.7 29291.3 30675.0 34161.8 27918.2
                       Closing 30773.4 31866.0 35793.7 41065.1 33841.4
                       High 18353.2 19482.3 23144.1 39540.0 38838.8
                       Low 12809.4 16244.6 18032.8 22295.1 13714.8
                       Closing 18177.6 17977.8 23144.1 38080.0 16974.1
                    Commerce and Industry
                       High 6136.4 7509.5 10683.6 18806.7 16555.3
                       Low 4383.6 5670.3 7199.5 9996.3 5576.3
                       Closing 6076.8 7139.3 10620.3 16568.0 7894.2
          Hang Seng China Enterprises Index
                    High 5391.3 5539.4 10363.3 20400.1 16139.5
                    Low 3546.3 4501.6 5413.0 8528.5 4990.1
                    Closing 4741.3 5330.3 10340.4 16124.7 7891.8
          Hang Seng China H-Financials Index
               (5.3.2004 = 5 033.14)
                    High - - 13092.2 23738.3 18399.1
                    Low - - 9762.9 10313.1 6914.4
                    Closing - - 12935.5 18121.1 10186.0
          Hang Seng Composite Index Series
                (3.1.2000 = 2 000)
                Hang Seng Composite Index
                    High 1836.8 1998.1 2803.9 4532.5 3909.3
                    Low 1388.7 1727.4 1959.3 2560.0 1476.6
                    Closing 1832.0 1947.7 2802.7 3935.4 1982.6
                Hang Seng Hong Kong Composite Index
                    High 1954.1 2042.2 2454.0 3134.2 2918.6
                    Low 1497.2 1836.9 1982.8 2320.3 1247.0
                    Closing 1954.1 1976.9 2454.0 2919.6 1425.9
                    Hang Seng HK LargeCap Index 
                        High 1865.9 1910.4 2108.9 2555.0 2409.4
                        Low 1460.7 1728.4 1818.1 1970.1 1096.8
                        Closing 1861.8 1815.0 2108.9 2401.0 1226.0
                    Hang Seng HK MidCap Index
                        High 2461.9 2878.6 4273.0 6046.8 5507.2
                        Low 1756.3 2295.8 2869.1 4124.4 2106.4
                        Closing 2461.9 2850.5 4273.0 5521.4 2569.5
                    Hang Seng HK SmallCap Index
                        High 1913.8 2043.8 2363.4 3508.5 3179.0
                        Low 1347.3 1745.8 1889.6 2315.5 895.4
                        Closing 1913.8 1881.4 2338.1 3159.5 1101.3
                Hang Seng Mainland Composite Index
                    High 1688.2 1948.0 3301.5 6266.9 5149.5
                    Low 1170.6 1493.5 1924.3 2900.6 1794.2
                    Closing 1592.1 1901.6 3285.4 5201.3 2658.2
                    Hang Seng China-Affiliated Corp. Index
                        High 1660.1 2032.4 3351.8 7021.3 6055.8
                        Low 1129.5 1441.3 1954.6 3114.7 2311.5
                        Closing 1556.9 1934.9 3330.1 6111.2 3292.4
                Hang Seng Composite Industry Indexes
                       High - - 9331.7 19905.8 16638.2
                       Low - - 7147.5 7707.1 4379.1
                       Closing - - 9331.7 16203.5 7225.8
                       High - - 10575.6 23495.9 19247.6
                       Low - - 7480.0 10182.3 2678.1
                       Closing - - 10575.6 19031.0 5041.5
                    Industrial Goods
                       High - - 1570.0 2185.6 1865.1
                       Low - - 1400.6 1396.6 468.5
                       Closing - - 1400.6 1867.4 760.5
                    Consumer Goods
                       High 2788.9 2787.3 3769.5 5420.4 5149.5
                       Low 2058.5 2428.9 2626.9 3631.7 1859.9
                       Closing 2499.8 2669.9 3769.5 5041.1 2389.4
                       High - - 3436.3 5680.2 5234.2
                       Low - - 2883.7 3422.4 1471.7
                       Closing - - 3436.3 5168.4 1960.3
                       High - - 1604.3 3264.3 2853.4
                       Low - - 1160.2 1492.2 1186.8
                       Closing - - 1581.7 2885.3 1605.3
                       High 3548.5 3724.5 4515.9 5998.5 5937.2
                       Low 2865.4 3359.0 3555.6 4306.5 3358.9
                       Closing 3541.2 3667.4 4515.9 5909.5 4276.8
                       High 2580.4 2534.7 3392.7 4874.8 4072.3
                       Low 2069.9 2319.8 2446.0 2940.8 1778.3
                       Closing 2532.3 2430.7 3382.2 3999.3 2280.9
                    Properties & Construction
                       High 1988.9 2158.4 2884.7 4820.4 4299.3
                       Low 1329.2 1784.9 2078.7 2725.0 1301.0
                       Closing 1988.9 2072.2 2884.7 4321.0 1809.3
                    Information Technology
                       High 1261.2 1406.8 2124.3 2749.8 2353.7
                       Low 837.4 910.1 1350.3 1774.3 660.4
                       Closing 980.7 1363.1 2100.2 2367.9 874.9
                       High 1754.7 1924.8 2128.1 3104.8 2886.4
                       Low 1156.1 1629.5 1765.4 2036.5 993.7
                       Closing 1754.7 1821.5 2128.1 2815.2 1307.2
          Hang Seng Freefloat Index Series
                Hang Seng Freefloat Composite Index
                    High 1934.4 2107.3 2970.9 4829.0 4179.7
                    Low 1443.7 1818.1 2056.9 2703.1 1553.2
                    Closing 1927.0 2044.2 2970.9 4207.0 2063.9
                Hang Seng Hong Kong Freefloat Index
                    High 1849.0 1977.8 2420.2 3316.8 3106.6
                    Low 1381.5 1737.3 1915.8 2293.3 1251.5
                    Closing 1849.0 1909.9 2420.2 3109.0 1480.6
                Hang Seng Mainland Freefloat Index
                    High 2868.8 3176.7 5523.4 10781.9 8864.9
                    Low 1999.7 2557.2 3121.8 4795.2 2869.5
                    Closing 2704.3 3084.1 5514.8 8927.6 4330.2
                Hang Seng 50
                    High 1867.5 2051.4 2833.6 4556.5 3966.3
                    Low 1421.6 1746.7 1970.2 2536.2 1528.9
                    Closing 1854.1 1959.1 2831.3 3979.2 2020.2
                Hang Seng HK 25
                    High 1760.8 1876.3 2230.4 3126.1 2976.0
                    Low 1344.0 1651.5 1789.7 2095.4 1194.2
                    Closing 1760.8 1784.5 2230.4 2965.0 1419.8
                Hang Seng Mainland 25
                    High 3246.1 3743.8 6479.0 12066.7 9828.9
                    Low 2296.2 2847.5 3597.1 5406.0 3400.6
                    Closing 3020.2 3557.7 6442.4 9870.5 5097.8
          S&P/HKEx LargeCap Index
               (28.2.2003 = 10 000)
               High 15796.8 17775.1 24446.6 38585.1 33684.7
               Low 11911.2 14836.2 17098.6 21912.5 13569.0
               Closing 15740.4 17025.5 24378.8 33709.0 17891.2
     Turnover (HKD 100 million) 39483.5 44981.0 83326.3 215062.7 176007.1
     Market Capitalisation(HKD 100 million) 66291.8 81133.3 132488.2 205364.6 102535.9
 Growth Enterprise Market
     S&P/HKEx GEM Index
          (28.2.2003 = 1 000)
          High 1370.3 1013.4 1342.6 1793.9 1347.5
          Low 964.8 863.8 1005.5 1209.8 343.2
          Closing 988.6 1007.3 1224.7 1349.6 385.5
     Turnover (HKD 100 million) 257.6 223.4 436.8 1592.6 520.9
     Market Capitalisation(HKD 100 million) 667.2 666.0 888.9 1610.8 451.6
Notes : All high and low indices are compiled based on the daily closing indices in the period.  
             The compilation of the Hang Seng Index is switched from a full market capitalisation weighted methodology to a freefloat-adjusted market 
                 capitalisation weighted methodology with 15% cap on each constituent weighting.
             Calculation of the Index was changed to a freefloat-adjusted market capitalisation weighted methodology with 15% cap on each constituent 
                 weighting since 6 March 2006.
             Launched on 27 November 2006, high and low indices for 2006 refer to the period from 27 November 2006 to end-December 2006.
             Since 11 September 2006, the number of Industry Indexes has been increased from 9 to 11.  While the industries “Energy” and “Materials”
               originate from “Oil and Resources” and “Industrial Goods”, the industry “Telecommunications” orginates from “Serivces”.
             Year-end figures.