23-33  Position and Flow of Inward Direct Investment by Major Investor Country/Territory
(HKD 100 million)
Major Investor Inward Direct Investment at Market Value
Country/Territory Position at End of Year Inflow in Year
2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007
The mainland of China 12719 20243 37374 729 1087 1042
British Virgin Islands 12707 19506 33585 470 788 1093
Netherlands 3271 3909 5305 170 281 380
Bermuda 2715 3501 3832 360 238 277
United States of America 2058 2779 2786 -297 513 358
Japan 1317 1514 1647 141 180 143
United Kingdom 885 1056 1345 137 154 230
Cayman Islands 667 1013 1115 120 184 109
Singapore 843 852 1055 110 81 164
Taiwan, China 300 337 399 35 87 28
Others 3080 3009 3423 640 -94 416
Total 40563 57719 91865 2615 3500 4239
Note : Country/territory here refers to the immediate source economy.  It does not necessarily reflect the country/territory in which the funds 
          are initially mobilised.