23-18  Electricity, Gas and Water Consumption
Use 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
  Electricity                    (Terajoules)
      Domestic 34134 35811 35428 36422 37100
      Commercial 91255 93341 95370 97155 97672
      Industrial 15430 14636 14015 13104 12182
      Street Lighting 383 383 391 391 391
      Export to the Mainland of China 11112 16192 16300 14527 12789
      Total 152313 160363 161504 161599 160134
  Gas                               (Terajoules)
      Domestic 15237 15444 15082 14842 15583
      Commercial 10945 10919 11050 11305 11095
      Industrial 955 898 903 895 905
      Total 27137 27261 27034 27041 27583
  Water          (10 000 Cubic Meters) 95500 96800 96300 95100* 95600