23-15  Gross National Product
(HKD 100 million, unless otherwise specified)
Item 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008@
  In Chained (2007) dollars                   
      GDP     13251 14189 15185 16154@ 16536
      Net External Factor Income Flows  242 12 274 444 791
      GNP  13487 14202 15457 16599@ 17327
      Per Capita GDP (HKD)                  195340 208263 221455 233245@ 236989
      Per Capita GNP (HKD)                  198816 208448 225422 239661@ 248320
  At Current Market Prices
      GDP     12919 13826 14754 16154@ 16769
      Net External Factor Income Flows  234 16     273 444 814
      GNP  13153 13842 15027 16599@ 17584
      Per Capita GDP (HKD)                  190451 202928 215158 233245@ 240327
      Per Capita GNP (HKD)                  193902 203170 219146 239661@ 251999
Note : The chain volume measures of GDP, Net External Factor Income Flows and GNP have been re-referenced from 2006 to 2007.
             A technical feature of the chain volume measures was that for earlier years, the sum of net external factor income flows and
             GDP might not be equal to GNP.